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Data Quality
Data Management
Catalog Details


Short Citation
OCM Partners, 2024: 2019 USGS QL2 Lidar: Ashland, Iron, and Florence Counties, WI,
Full Citation Examples


Product: These lidar data are processed Classified LAS 1.4 files, formatted to 2500 ft x 2500 ft tiles.

Geographic Extent: 5 counties in Wisconsin, covering approximately 325 total square miles.

Dataset Description: The WI AshlandIronFlorence project called for the planning, acquisition, processing, and derivative products of lidar data to be collected at a nominal pulse spacing (NPS) of 0.71 meters. Project specifications are based on the U.S. Geological Survey National Geospatial Program Base LiDAR Specification, Version 1.3.

Ground Conditions: LiDAR was collected in fall 2019 and spring 2020, while no snow was on the ground and rivers were at or below normal levels. In order to post process the LiDAR data to meet task order specifications and meet ASPRS vertical accuracy guidelines, Quantum Spatial, Inc. utilized a total of 59 ground control points that were used to calibrate the LiDAR to known ground locations established throughout the project area (19 in Florence, 20 in Iron, and 20 in Ashland County).

Distribution Information

  • Not Applicable

    Create custom data files by choosing data area, product type, map projection, file format, datum, etc. A new metadata will be produced to reflect your request using this record as a base. Change to an orthometric vertical datum is one of the many options.

  • LAS/LAZ - LASer

    Bulk download of data files in LAZ format, with a vertical datum of NAVD88 (GEOID12B) and units in feet. This url links to the USGS copy of the files, from which the Entwine Point Tile files originated. These have not been reviewed by OCM and the link is provided here for convenience.

Access Constraints:


Use Constraints:

Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and some parts of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations.

Controlled Theme Keywords


Child Items

No Child Items for this record.

Contact Information

Point of Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202

Metadata Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202


Geographic Area 1

-88.5513523488° W, -88.0480301651° E, 45.996604196° N, 45.7039597157° S

Florence County, WI

Time Frame 1
2019-10-30 - 2020-05-05

Item Identification

Title: 2019 USGS QL2 Lidar: Ashland, Iron, and Florence Counties, WI
Short Name: 2019 ql2 ashland iron florence m9999
Status: Completed
Publication Date: 2021-07-21

Product: These lidar data are processed Classified LAS 1.4 files, formatted to 2500 ft x 2500 ft tiles.

Geographic Extent: 5 counties in Wisconsin, covering approximately 325 total square miles.

Dataset Description: The WI AshlandIronFlorence project called for the planning, acquisition, processing, and derivative products of lidar data to be collected at a nominal pulse spacing (NPS) of 0.71 meters. Project specifications are based on the U.S. Geological Survey National Geospatial Program Base LiDAR Specification, Version 1.3.

Ground Conditions: LiDAR was collected in fall 2019 and spring 2020, while no snow was on the ground and rivers were at or below normal levels. In order to post process the LiDAR data to meet task order specifications and meet ASPRS vertical accuracy guidelines, Quantum Spatial, Inc. utilized a total of 59 ground control points that were used to calibrate the LiDAR to known ground locations established throughout the project area (19 in Florence, 20 in Iron, and 20 in Ashland County).


To acquire detailed surface elevation data for use in conservation planning, design, research, floodplain mapping, dam safety assessments and elevation modeling, etc. Classified LAS files are used to show the manually reviewed bare earth surface. This allows the user to create intensity images, breaklines and raster DEMs. The purpose of these LiDAR data was to produce high accuracy 3D hydro-flattened digital elevation models (DEMs) with a 2 foot cell size. These raw LiDAR point cloud data were used to create classified LiDAR LAS files, intensity images, 3D breaklines, and hydro-flattened DEMs as necessary.

Supplemental Information:

Contract No. G16PC00016, Task Order No. 140G0219F0307; CONTRACTOR: Quantum Spatial, Inc.

The following are the USGS lidar fields in JSON:


"ldrinfo" : {

"ldrspec" : "USGS-NGP Base Specification v1.3",

"ldrsens" : "Riegl VQ1560i",

"ldrmaxnr" : "unlimited",

"ldrnps" : "0.71",

"ldrdens" : "2.0",

"ldranps" : "0.31",

"ldradens" : "10.41",

"ldrfltht" : "1329",

"ldrfltsp" : "160",

"ldrscana" : "29",

"ldrscanr" : "334",

"ldrpulsr" : "2000",

"ldrpulsd" : "3",

"ldrpulsw" : "0.24",

"ldrwavel" : "1064",

"ldrmpia" : "1",

"ldrbmdiv" : "0.18",

"ldrswatw" : "1473.0",

"ldrswato" : "20",

"ldrgeoid" : "Geoid 12b",

"ldrcrs" : "NAD 1983 2011 WISCRS Florence Feet, Foot US"


"ldrinfo" : {

"ldrspec" : "USGS-NGP Base Specification v1.3",

"ldrsens" : "Riegl VQ1560i",

"ldrmaxnr" : "unlimited",

"ldrnps" : "0.71",

"ldrdens" : "2.0",

"ldranps" : "0.63",

"ldradens" : "2.52",

"ldrfltht" : "2300",

"ldrfltsp" : "140",

"ldrscana" : "29",

"ldrscanr" : "320",

"ldrpulsr" : "700",

"ldrpulsd" : "3",

"ldrpulsw" : "0.41",

"ldrwavel" : "1064",

"ldrmpia" : "1",

"ldrbmdiv" : "0.18",

"ldrswatw" : "2550.0",

"ldrswato" : "20",

"ldrgeoid" : "Geoid 12b",

"ldrcrs" : "NAD 1983 2011 WISCRS Florence Feet, Foot US"


"ldraccur" : {

"ldrchacc" : "0",

"rawnva" : "0",

"rawnvan" : "0"


"lasinfo" : {

"lasver" : "1.4",

"lasprf" : "6",

"laswheld" : "Withheld (ignore) points were identified in these files using the standard LAS Withheld bit.",

"lasolap" : "Any overage point deemed geometrically reliable will be used within the normal classification schema. Overage points are not specifically flagged with any special bit value.",

"lasintr" : "16",

"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "1",

"clasitem" : "Processed, but Unclassified"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "2",

"clasitem" : "Bare-Earth Ground"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "3",

"clasitem" : "Low Vegetation"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "4",

"clasitem" : "Medium Vegetation"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "5",

"clasitem" : "High Vegetation"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "6",

"clasitem" : "Buildings"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "7",

"clasitem" : "Low Noise"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "9",

"clasitem" : "Water"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "17",

"clasitem" : "Bridge Decks"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "18",

"clasitem" : "High Noise"


"lasclass" : {

"clascode" : "20",

"clasitem" : "Ignored Ground"




Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
ISO 19115 Topic Category

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
None Ashland County
None Florence County
None Iron County

Instrument Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords
LIDAR > Light Detection and Ranging

Platform Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Platform Keywords
Airplane > Airplane

Physical Location

Organization: Office for Coastal Management
City: Charleston
State/Province: SC

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Data Set Type: Elevation
Maintenance Frequency: None Planned
Data Presentation Form: Model (digital)
Distribution Liability:

Any conclusions drawn from the analysis of this information are not the responsibility of NOAA, the Office for Coastal Management or its partners

Data Set Credit: USGS; Quantum Spatial, Inc.

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 1285054
Date Effective From: 2023
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202


CC ID: 1285053
Date Effective From: 2023
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202


CC ID: 1344693
Date Effective From: 2021
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): U.S. Geological Survey
Address: 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20191

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 1285055
Date Effective From: 2023
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202

Point of Contact

CC ID: 1285056
Date Effective From: 2023
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202


Currentness Reference: Ground Condition

Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1285059
W° Bound: -88.5513523488
E° Bound: -88.0480301651
N° Bound: 45.996604196
S° Bound: 45.7039597157

Florence County, WI

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 1285058
Time Frame Type: Range
Start: 2019-10-30
End: 2020-05-05

Extent Group 2

Extent Group 2 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1285078
W° Bound: -90.7890108
E° Bound: -90.3871563864
N° Bound: 47.084239482
S° Bound: 46.8285907554

Ashland County QL2 area

Extent Group 2 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 1285079
Time Frame Type: Discrete
Start: 2020-05-05

Date of data collection

Extent Group 3

Extent Group 3 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1285081
W° Bound: -90.555236979
E° Bound: -89.9108954796
N° Bound: 46.5621901618
S° Bound: 45.9713636421

Iron County, WI

Extent Group 3 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 1285082
Time Frame Type: Range
Start: 2019-10-26
End: 2020-05-20

Collection dates for Iron County.

Spatial Information

Spatial Representation

Representations Used

Grid: No
Vector: Yes
Text / Table: No
Stereo Model: No
Video: No

Vector Representation 1

CC ID: 1285048
Point Object Present?: Yes
Point Object Count: 26554941784

Reference Systems

Reference System 1

CC ID: 1285249

Coordinate Reference System

CRS Type: Projected
EPSG Code: EPSG:3857
EPSG Name: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
See Full Coordinate Reference System Information

Reference System 2

CC ID: 1285250

Coordinate Reference System

CRS Type: Vertical
EPSG Code: EPSG:5703
EPSG Name: NAVD88 height
See Full Coordinate Reference System Information

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Data Access Procedure:

Data is available online for bulk or custom downloads

Data Access Constraints:


Data Use Constraints:

Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and some parts of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations.

Distribution Information

Distribution 1

CC ID: 1285060
Start Date: 2023-12-13
End Date: Present
Download URL:
Distributor: NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM) (2023 - Present)
File Name: Customized Download

Create custom data files by choosing data area, product type, map projection, file format, datum, etc. A new metadata will be produced to reflect your request using this record as a base. Change to an orthometric vertical datum is one of the many options.

Distribution Format: Not Applicable
Compression: Zip

Distribution 2

CC ID: 1344692
Start Date: 2021
End Date: Present
Download URL:
Distributor: U.S. Geological Survey (2021 - Present)
File Name: Bulk Download

Bulk download of data files in LAZ format, with a vertical datum of NAVD88 (GEOID12B) and units in feet. This url links to the USGS copy of the files, from which the Entwine Point Tile files originated. These have not been reviewed by OCM and the link is provided here for convenience.

Distribution Format: LAS/LAZ - LASer



CC ID: 1285051
Name: NOAA's Office for Coastal Management (OCM) Data Access Viewer (DAV)
URL Type:
Online Resource
File Resource Format: HTML

The Data Access Viewer (DAV) allows a user to search for and download elevation, imagery, and land cover data for the coastal U.S. and its territories. The data, hosted by the NOAA Office for Coastal Management, can be customized and requested for free download through a checkout interface. An email provides a link to the customized data, while the original data set is available through a link within the viewer.


CC ID: 1285083
Name: EPT Florence QL2
URL Type:
Online Resource
File Resource Format: JSON

Entwine Point Tiles for the Florence County QL2 area


CC ID: 1285084
Name: EPT Ashland QL2
URL Type:
Online Resource
File Resource Format: JSON

Entwine Point Tiles for the Ashland County QL2 area


CC ID: 1285085
Name: EPT Iron QL2
URL Type:
Online Resource
File Resource Format: JSON

Entwine Point Tiles for the Iron County QL2 area


CC ID: 1285086
Name: Data tiles in LAZ
URL Type:
Online Resource
File Resource Format: LAZ

Original data tiles hosted by USGS.


CC ID: 1285087
Name: Reports and Metadata
URL Type:
Online Resource
File Resource Format: PDF

Reports and metadata for delivered data to USGS.

Technical Environment


MicroStation Version Connect; TerraScan Version 20.011; TerraModeler Version 20.004; GeoCue Version 2017.1.14.1; Esri ArcGIS 10.6; Global Mapper 19/20; RiProcess 1.8.5; Windows 10 Operating System


Data Quality

Vertical Positional Accuracy:

This data set was produced to meet ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standard for Digital Geospatial Data (2014) for a 10-cm RMSEz Vertical Accuracy Class.

Completeness Report:

These LAS data files include all data points collected. No points have been removed or excluded. A visual qualitative assessment was performed to ensure data completeness. No void areas or missing data exist. The raw point cloud is of good quality and the data pass Non-Vegetated Vertical Accuracy specifications.

Conceptual Consistency:

Data cover the entire area specified for this project.

Data Management

Have Resources for Management of these Data Been Identified?: Yes
Approximate Percentage of Budget for these Data Devoted to Data Management: Unknown
Do these Data Comply with the Data Access Directive?: Yes
Actual or Planned Long-Term Data Archive Location: NCEI-NC
How Will the Data Be Protected from Accidental or Malicious Modification or Deletion Prior to Receipt by the Archive?:

Data is backed up to cloud storage.


Process Steps

Process Step 1

CC ID: 1285045

Raw Data and Boresight Processing: The boresight for each lift was done individually as the solution may change slightly from lift to lift. The following steps describe the Raw Data Processing and Boresight process: 1) Technicians processed the raw data to LAS format flight lines using the final GPS/IMU solution. This LAS data set was used as source data for boresight. 2) Technicians first used Quantum Spatial, Inc. proprietary and commercial software to calculate initial boresight adjustment angles based on sample areas selected in the lift. These areas cover calibration flight lines collected in the lift, cross tie, and production flight lines. These areas are well distributed in the lift coverage and cover multiple terrain types that are necessary for boresight angle calculation. The technicians then analyzed the results and made any necessary additional adjustment until it was acceptable for the selected areas. 3) Once the boresight angle calculation was completed for the selected areas, the adjusted settings were applied to all of the flight lines of the lift and checked for consistency. The technicians utilized commercial and proprietary software packages to analyze how well flight line overlaps matched for the entire lift and adjusted as necessary until the results met the project specifications. 4) Once all lifts were completed with individual boresight adjustment, the technicians checked and corrected the vertical misalignment of all flight lines and also the matching between data and ground truth. The relative accuracy was less than or equal to 7 cm RMSEz within individual swaths and less than or equal to 10 cm RMSEz or within swath overlap (between adjacent swaths). 5) The technicians ran a final vertical accuracy check of the boresighted flight lines against the surveyed checkpoints after the z correction to ensure the requirement of NVA = 19.6 cm 95% Confidence Level (Required Accuracy) was met.

Process Date/Time: 2020-01-01 00:00:00

Process Step 2

CC ID: 1285046

LAS Point Classification: The point classification was performed as described below. The bare earth surface was manually reviewed to ensure correct classification on the Class 2 (Ground) points. After the bare-earth surface was finalized, it was then used to generate all hydro-breaklines through heads-up digitization. All ground (ASPRS Class 2) LiDAR data inside of the Lake Pond and Double Line Drain hydro-flattened breaklines were then classified to Water (ASPRS Class 9) using proprietary tools. A buffer of 1 meter was also used around each hydro-flattened feature to classify these ground (ASPRS Class 2) points to Ignored ground (ASPRS Class 20). All Lake Pond Island and Double Line Drain Island features were checked to ensure that the ground (ASPRS Class 2) points were reclassified to the correct classification after the automated classification was completed. Any noise that was identified either through manual review or automated routines was classified to the appropriate class ( ASPRS Class 7 and/or ASPRS Class 18) followed by flagging with the withheld bit. All data were manually reviewed and any remaining artifacts removed using functionality provided by TerraScan and TerraModeler. Global Mapper was used as a final check of the bare earth dataset. GeoCue was then used to create the deliverable industry-standard LAS files for both the All Point Cloud Data and the Bare Earth. Quantum Spatial, Inc. proprietary software was used to perform final statistical analysis of the classes in the LAS files, on a per tile level to verify final classification metrics and full LAS header information.

Process Date/Time: 2020-01-01 00:00:00

Process Step 3

CC ID: 1285088

USGS converted the data to Entwine Point Tiles (EPT) in Web Mercator projection. NOAA ingested references to the EPT data into the Digital Coast Data Access Viewer. This metadata was created to support custom processing of the data in the Data Access Viewer.

Process Date/Time: 2023-12-13 00:00:00
Process Contact: NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Phone (Voice): (843) 740-1202
Email Address:

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 71674
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:71674
Metadata Record Created By: Kirk Waters
Metadata Record Created: 2023-12-13 20:41+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: Rebecca Mataosky
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2024-08-20 13:10+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2023-12-13
Owner Org: OCMP
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2023-12-13
Metadata Review Frequency: 3 Years
Metadata Next Review Date: 2026-12-13