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Item Identification

Title: longProfileIDTable
Short Name: longProfileIDTable
Status: Planned

site/event information for side channel thalweg profiles in the Elwha River.

Entity Information

Entity Type: Spreadsheet
Active Version?: Yes
Schema Name: PARR

site/event information for side channel thalweg profiles in the Elwha River.

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
profileID text Unique profile ID of the sampling station. Units for values are text.
SC_UID text Unique site channel ID for the sampling station. Units for values are text.
date date The date when the survey was performed. Units for values are date.
site text Site location on the Elwha river (lower/middle/upper). Units for values are text.
latitudeBeginN number The latitude of survey start expressed in decimal degrees. Units for values are decimal degrees.
longitudeBeginW number The longitude of survey start expressed in decimal degrees. Units for values are decimal degrees.
latitudeEndN number The latitude of survey end expressed in decimal degrees. Units for values are decimal degrees.
longitudeEndW number The longitude of survey end expressed in decimal degrees. Units for values are decimal degrees.
surveyors text The names of the surveyors. Units for values are text.
usds text The direction of the survey either upstream or downstream. Units for values are text.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 732366
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique profile ID of the sampling station. Units for values are text.

General Data Type: text
Unit of Measure: text


CC ID: 732367
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique site channel ID for the sampling station. Units for values are text.

General Data Type: text
Unit of Measure: text


CC ID: 732368
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: date
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The date when the survey was performed. Units for values are date.

General Data Type: date
Unit of Measure: date


CC ID: 732369
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Site location on the Elwha river (lower/middle/upper). Units for values are text.

General Data Type: text
Unit of Measure: text


CC ID: 732370
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The latitude of survey start expressed in decimal degrees. Units for values are decimal degrees.

General Data Type: number
Unit of Measure: decimal degrees


CC ID: 732371
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The longitude of survey start expressed in decimal degrees. Units for values are decimal degrees.

General Data Type: number
Unit of Measure: decimal degrees


CC ID: 732372
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The latitude of survey end expressed in decimal degrees. Units for values are decimal degrees.

General Data Type: number
Unit of Measure: decimal degrees


CC ID: 732373
Seq. Order: 8
Data Storage Type: number
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The longitude of survey end expressed in decimal degrees. Units for values are decimal degrees.

General Data Type: number
Unit of Measure: decimal degrees


CC ID: 732374
Seq. Order: 9
Data Storage Type: text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The names of the surveyors. Units for values are text.

General Data Type: text
Unit of Measure: text


CC ID: 732375
Seq. Order: 10
Data Storage Type: text
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The direction of the survey either upstream or downstream. Units for values are text.

General Data Type: text
Unit of Measure: text
Allowed Values: US or DS

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 46803
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:46803
Metadata Record Created By: Jeffrey W Cowen
Metadata Record Created: 2017-08-02 19:26+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2018-02-27
Owner Org: NWFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2018-02-27
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2019-02-27