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Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue) | Description Source: NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Entity Information

Data Attribute / Type Description
Internal feature number. | Description Source: Esri
Unique identifier for each Biologically Important Area across all seven regions in US waters. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
The region (one of seven regional divisions in US waters that reflect Large Marine Ecosystem delineations [Sherman & Alexander, 1986]) this BIA belongs to. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
Scientific name of the species | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
Common name of the species | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
Identifying stock or population name that this species, as part of this BIA, belongs to. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
Identifying name of this Biologically Important Area | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
Type of Biologically Important Area, can be one of Reproductive, Feeding, Migratory Corridor, or Small and Resident Population. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
Time period for which this BIA is considered active. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
General description of what direction the animals are migrating, if this is a migratory corridor BIA. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
Area, in square kilometers, of this entire BIA. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
Specific months as numbers that this BIA is considered active. This field is used in the online BIA mapper for user selection criteria, and can also be useful for GIS selection criteria to display BIAs for specific months. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
Area, in square kilometers, of this individual polygon with the large BIA feature. | Description Source: Data Team
Feature geometry. | Description Source: ESRI

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Please contact the owner organization (OCM) for inquiries on this record.

Item Identification

Title: BiologicallyImportantAreas
Short Name: BiologicallyImportantAreas
Status: In Work

Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue) | Description Source: NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)


Converted from FGDC using '' script.

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
OBJECTID Unknown Internal feature number. | Description Source: Esri
BIA_ID Unknown Unique identifier for each Biologically Important Area across all seven regions in US waters. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
region VARCHAR The region (one of seven regional divisions in US waters that reflect Large Marine Ecosystem delineations [Sherman & Alexander, 1986]) this BIA belongs to. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
sci_name Unknown Scientific name of the species | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
cmn_name Unknown Common name of the species | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
stock_pop Unknown Identifying stock or population name that this species, as part of this BIA, belongs to. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
BIA_name Unknown Identifying name of this Biologically Important Area | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
BIA_type VARCHAR Type of Biologically Important Area, can be one of Reproductive, Feeding, Migratory Corridor, or Small and Resident Population. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
BIA_time Unknown Time period for which this BIA is considered active. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
migr_dir Unknown General description of what direction the animals are migrating, if this is a migratory corridor BIA. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
BIA_size Unknown Area, in square kilometers, of this entire BIA. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
BIA_months Unknown Specific months as numbers that this BIA is considered active. This field is used in the online BIA mapper for user selection criteria, and can also be useful for GIS selection criteria to display BIAs for specific months. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)
MC_BIA_size Unknown Area, in square kilometers, of this individual polygon with the large BIA feature. | Description Source: Data Team
Shape Unknown Feature geometry. | Description Source: ESRI

Attribute Details


CC ID: 655599
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Internal feature number. | Description Source: Esri

Allowed Values: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.


CC ID: 655600
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique identifier for each Biologically Important Area across all seven regions in US waters. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655601
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The region (one of seven regional divisions in US waters that reflect Large Marine Ecosystem delineations [Sherman & Alexander, 1986]) this BIA belongs to. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea: Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea | Arctic: Arctic | East Coast: East Coast | Gulf of Alaska: Gulf of Alaska | Gulf of Mexico: Gulf of Mexico | Hawaii: Hawaii | West Coast: West Coast |


CC ID: 655602
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Scientific name of the species | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655603
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Common name of the species | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655604
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Identifying stock or population name that this species, as part of this BIA, belongs to. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655605
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Identifying name of this Biologically Important Area | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655606
Seq. Order: 8
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Type of Biologically Important Area, can be one of Reproductive, Feeding, Migratory Corridor, or Small and Resident Population. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Feeding: Areas and times within which aggregations of a particular species preferentially feed. These either may be persistent in space and time or associated with ephemeral features that are less predictable but are located within a larger area that can be delineated. | Migration: Migratory Corridor - Areas and times within which a substantial portion of a species is known to migrate; the corridor is spatially restricted. | Reproduction: Reproductive Area - Areas and times within which a particular species selectively mates, gives birth,or is found with neonates or calves. | Small and resident: Small and Resident Population - Areas and times within which small and resident populations occupy a limited geographic extent. |


CC ID: 655607
Seq. Order: 9
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Time period for which this BIA is considered active. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655608
Seq. Order: 10
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

General description of what direction the animals are migrating, if this is a migratory corridor BIA. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655609
Seq. Order: 11
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Area, in square kilometers, of this entire BIA. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655610
Seq. Order: 12
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Specific months as numbers that this BIA is considered active. This field is used in the online BIA mapper for user selection criteria, and can also be useful for GIS selection criteria to display BIAs for specific months. | Description Source: Biologically important areas for cetaceans within U.S. waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue)

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655611
Seq. Order: 13
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Area, in square kilometers, of this individual polygon with the large BIA feature. | Description Source: Data Team

Allowed Values: Unique values.


CC ID: 655612
Seq. Order: 14
Data Storage Type: Unknown
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Feature geometry. | Description Source: ESRI

Allowed Values: Coordinates defining the features.

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 49063
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:49063
Metadata Record Created By: Anne Ball
Metadata Record Created: 2017-11-15 08:29+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2017-11-16
Owner Org: OCM
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2017-11-16
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2018-11-16