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SEDAR 7 Data Workshop was held April 19-23 , 2004 in New Orleans, LA

Workshop Working Papers

S7DW01 Derivation of Red Snapper Time Series from SEAMAP and Groundfish Trawl Surveys

S7DW02 Calibration Among the Separate Trawl Survey Programs to Extend the Time Series for Juvenile Snapper Indexes

S7DW03 Some Bayesian Approaches to Estimation of Shrimp Fleet Bycatch

S7DW04 Behavior and Swimming Performance of red Snapper: Its Application to Shrimp Trawl Bycatch Reduction

S7DW05 Observer Coverage of the US Gulf of Mexico and Southeastern Atlantic Shrimp Fishery, February 1992-December 2003 - Methods

S7DW06 Discussion of Days Fished Expansion in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery

S7DW07 Bioeconomic Simulation Analysis of Alternative Bycatch, Commercial, and Recreation Policies for the Recovery of Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper

S7DW08 Shark/Snapper/Grouper Longline Surveys

S7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of Mexico

S7DW10 Data Summary of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Collected During Small Pelagic Trawl

S7DW11 Assessment of the Distribution and Abundance of Coastal Sharks in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Eastern Seaboard, 1995 and 1996

S7DW12 Estimation of Prey Biomass Necessary to Maintain the Equilibrium Standing Stock Biomass of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), at Various Levels, in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW13 The Steepness Stock-Recruit Parameter for Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico (Lutjanus campechanus): What Can Be Learned From Other Fish Stocks?

S7DW14 The Potential for Incorporating a Larval Index of Abundance for Stock Assessment of Red Snapper, Lutjanus Campechanus

S7DW15 SEAMAP Reef Fish Survey of Offshore Banks

S7DW16 Retrospective Coding of Dual Size Classes of Size Frequency Data for Red Snapper Collected During SEAMAP Shrimp/BottomFish surveys

S7DW18 Red snapper movements based on tag recovery data.

S7DW19 Estimating Catches and Fishing Effort of the Southeast United States Headboat Fleet, 1972-1982.

S7DW20 Overview of State Trip Ticket Programs in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW21 Fishery independent estimation of abundance, age frequency, growth rates, and mortality of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus, in the northeast Gulf of Mexico.

S7DW22 Estimates of Red Snapper Discards by Vessels with a Federal Permit in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW23 Commercial Landings Statistics –Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW24 Estimation of Effort in the Offshore Shrimp Trawl Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW25 Using scenario-based population dynamics modeling to prioritize those parameters in Gulf of Mexico red snapper stock assessment where uncertainty should be taken into account

S7DW26 Using demographic analysis to evaluate the stock resilience implications and plausibility of life history parameter values assumed for Gulf of Mexico red snapper.


S7DW28 Summary of Fishing Mortality for the Red Snapper Research Project off Alabama

S7DW31 EBLUP Small Area Estimation for Red Snapper Bycatch from the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fleet

S7DW32 Spatial Modeling of Red Snapper Shrimp Fleet Bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW33 Addendum

S7DW33 Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) otolith aging summary 1980 & 1991-2002.

S7DW34 Precision of age estimation in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus).

S7DW35 Addendum

S7DW35 Characterization of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) reproduction: for the 2004 Gulf of Mexico SEDAR. NOAA, NMFS, Panama CityLaboratory. Contribution Series: 04-01.

S7DW36 Red snapper otoliths selected for aging at NMFS Panama City Laboratory and discussion of future sampling targets. NOAA, NMFS, Panama City Laboratory. Contribution Series: 04-02

S7DW37 Analysis of Total Fishing Mortality for Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Contributed by Shrimp Trawl Bycatch and Commercial and Recreational Fisheries (Including Discards)

S7DW38 Status of bycatch reduction device performance and research in Norh-Central and Western Gulf of Mexico

S7DW39 Florida Fishery Dependent Monitoring

S7DW40 History of red snapper management in federal waters of the US Gulf of Mexico, 1984-2004.

S7DW41 Alternative catch rate indices for red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) landed during 1981-2003 by the U.S. recreational fishery in the Gulf of Mexico using MRFSS and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department data sets.

S7DW42 Standardized catch rates of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the United States headboat fishery in the Gulf of Mexico during 1986-2002

S7DW43 Some problems with sampling commercial red snapper fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico.

S7DW44 Estimation of species misidentification in the commercial landing data of red snappers in the Gulf of Mexico.

S7DW45 Size frequency distribution of red snapper from dockside sampling of commercial landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003 (TIP size data)

S7DW46 Size frequency distribution of red snapper from dockside sampling of recreational landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003 (TXPW, MRFSS, and headboats size data)

S7DW47 Standardized catch rates of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the United States commercial handline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico during 1996-2003

S7DW49 A priori estimates of natural mortality rates and stock-recruitment curve steepness for Gulf of Mexico red snapper

S7DW50 An age-structured assessment model for red snapper that allows for multiple stocks, fleets, and habitats.

S7DW51 MSY, Bycatch and Minimization to the “Extent Practicable”

S7DW52 Length and weight conversions for Florida’s recreationally important finfish species

S7DW53 Comparisons of Relative Fishing Powers of Selected SEAMAP Survey Vessels

S7DW54 Update for the Bayesian estimation of shrimp fleet bycatch

S7DW55 An evaulation of the first annulus for red snapper off Alabama

S7DW56 Some methods of calculating catch at age of the directed fisheries for red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico, 1984-2002

S7DW57 An Update of Shrimp Trawl Bycatch Reduction Efforts in the Gulf of Mexico

Workshop Supplementary

S7RD01 Description of a simple electronic logbook designed to measure effort in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery.

S7RD02 An evaluation of an electronic logbook (ELB) as a more accurate method of estimating spatial patterns oftrawling effort and bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery.

S7RD03 Movement of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, in the North central Gulf of Mexico: Potential effects of hurricanes

S7RD04 Movement of tagged red snapper in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

S7RD05 Consolidated Report of the Peer Review of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Research and Management in the Gulf of Mexico anon.

S7RD06 Stock Structure of red snapper in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Is there management as a single stock justified based on spatial and temporal patters of genetic variation, otolith microchemistry,and growth rates?

S7RD07 Red snapper discards in Texas coastal waters—a fishery dependent onboard survey of recreational headboat discards and landings.

S7RD08 Age and growth of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, from an artificial reef area off Alabamain northern Gulf of Mexico

S7RD10 Site fidelity and dispersion of red snapper associated with artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Child Items

Type Title
Document S7DW01 Derivation of Red Snapper Time Series from SEAMAP and Groundfish Trawl Surveys
Document S7DW02 Calibration Among the Separate Trawl Survey Programs to Extend the Time Series for Juvenile Snapper Indexes
Document S7DW03 Some Bayesian Approaches to Estimation of Shrimp Fleet Bycatch
Document S7DW04 Behavior and Swimming Performance of red Snapper: Its Application to Shrimp Trawl Bycatch Reduction
Document S7DW05 Observer Coverage of the US Gulf of Mexico and Southeastern Atlantic Shrimp Fishery, February 1992-December 2003 - Methods
Document S7DW06 Discussion of Days Fished Expansion in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery
Document S7DW07 Bioeconomic Simulation Analysis of Alternative Bycatch, Commercial, and Recreation Policies for the Recovery of Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper
Document S7DW08 Shark/Snapper/Grouper Longline Surveys
Document S7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW10 Data Summary of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Collected During Small Pelagic Trawl
Document S7DW11 Assessment of the Distribution and Abundance of Coastal Sharks in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Eastern Seaboard, 1995 and 1996
Document S7DW12 Estimation of Prey Biomass Necessary to Maintain the Equilibrium Standing Stock Biomass of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), at Various Levels, in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW13 The Steepness Stock-Recruit Parameter for Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico (Lutjanus campechanus): What Can Be Learned From Other Fish Stocks?
Document S7DW14 The Potential for Incorporating a Larval Index of Abundance for Stock Assessment of Red Snapper, Lutjanus Campechanus
Document S7DW15 SEAMAP Reef Fish Survey of Offshore Banks
Document S7DW16 Retrospective Coding of Dual Size Classes of Size Frequency Data for Red Snapper Collected During SEAMAP Shrimp/BottomFish surveys
Document S7DW18 Red snapper movements based on tag recovery data
Document S7DW19 Estimating Catches and Fishing Effort of the Southeast United States Headboat Fleet, 1972-1982
Document S7DW20 Overview of State Trip Ticket Programs in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW21 Fishery independent estimation of abundance, age frequency, growth rates, and mortality of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus, in the northeast Gulf of Mexico.
Document S7DW22 Estimates of Red Snapper Discards by Vessels with a Federal Permit in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW23 Commercial Landings Statistics –Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW24 Estimation of Effort in the Offshore Shrimp Trawl Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW25 Using scenario-based population dynamics modeling to prioritize those parameters in Gulf of Mexico red snapper stock assessment where uncertainty should be taken into account
Document S7DW26 Using demographic analysis to evaluate the stock resilience implications and plausibility of life history parameter values assumed for Gulf of Mexico red snapper.
Document S7DW28 Summary of Fishing Mortality for the Red Snapper Research Project off Alabama
Document S7DW31 EBLUP Small Area Estimation for Red Snapper Bycatch from the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fleet
Document S7DW32 Spatial Modeling of Red Snapper Shrimp Fleet Bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW33 Addendum
Document S7DW33 Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) otolith aging summary 1980 & 1991-2002
Document S7DW34 Precision of age estimation in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus).
Document S7DW35 Addendum
Document S7DW35 Characterization of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) reproduction: for the 2004 Gulf of Mexico SEDAR. NOAA, NMFS, Panama CityLaboratory. Contribution Series: 04-01.
Document S7DW36 Red snapper otoliths selected for aging at NMFS Panama City Laboratory and discussion of future sampling targets. NOAA, NMFS, Panama City Laboratory. Contribution Series: 04-02
Document S7DW37 Analysis of Total Fishing Mortality for Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Contributed by Shrimp Trawl Bycatch and Commercial and Recreational Fisheries (Including Discards)
Document S7DW38 Status of bycatch reduction device performance and research in Norh-Central and Western Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW39 Florida Fishery Dependent Monitoring
Document S7DW40 History of red snapper management in federal waters of the US Gulf of Mexico, 1984-2004
Document S7DW41 Alternative catch rate indices for red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) landed during 1981-2003 by the U.S. recreational fishery in the Gulf of Mexico using MRFSS and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department data sets
Document S7DW42 Standardized catch rates of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the United States headboat fishery in the Gulf of Mexico during 1986-2002
Document S7DW43 Some problems with sampling commercial red snapper fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico.
Document S7DW44 Estimation of species misidentification in the commercial landing data of red snappers in the Gulf of Mexico.
Document S7DW45 Size frequency distribution of red snapper from dockside sampling of commercial landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003 (TIP size data)
Document S7DW46 Size frequency distribution of red snapper from dockside sampling of recreational landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003 (TXPW, MRFSS, and headboats size data)
Document S7DW47 Standardized catch rates of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the United States commercial handline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico during 1996-2003
Document S7DW49 A priori estimates of natural mortality rates and stock-recruitment curve steepness for Gulf of Mexico red snapper
Document S7DW50 An age-structured assessment model for red snapper that allows for multiple stocks, fleets, and habitats
Document S7DW51 MSY, Bycatch and Minimization to the “Extent Practicable”
Document S7DW52 Length and weight conversions for Florida’s recreationally important finfish species
Document S7DW53 Comparisons of Relative Fishing Powers of Selected SEAMAP Survey Vessels
Document S7DW54 Update for the Bayesian estimation of shrimp fleet bycatch
Document S7DW55 An evaulation of the first annulus for red snapper off Alabama
Document S7DW56 Some methods of calculating catch at age of the directed fisheries for red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico, 1984-2002
Document S7DW57 An Update of Shrimp Trawl Bycatch Reduction Efforts in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7RD01 Description of a simple electronic logbook designed to measure effort in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery
Document S7RD02 An evaluation of an electronic logbook (ELB) as a more accurate method of estimating spatial patterns oftrawling effort and bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery.
Document S7RD03 Movement of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, in the North central Gulf of Mexico: Potential effects of hurricanes
Document S7RD04 Movement of tagged red snapper in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Document S7RD05 Consolidated Report of the Peer Review of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Research and Management in the Gulf of Mexico anon.
Document S7RD06 Stock Structure of red snapper in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Is there management as a single stock justified based on spatial and temporal patters of genetic variation, otolith microchemistry,and growth rates?
Document S7RD07 Red snapper discards in Texas coastal waters—a fishery dependent onboard survey of recreational headboat discards and landings.
Document S7RD08 Age and growth of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, from an artificial reef area off Alabamain northern Gulf of Mexico
Document S7RD10 Site fidelity and dispersion of red snapper associated with artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Contact Information

Point of Contact
Kyle Shertzer

Metadata Contact
Erik Williams

Item Identification

Title: Data Workshop

SEDAR 7 Data Workshop was held April 19-23 , 2004 in New Orleans, LA

Workshop Working Papers

S7DW01 Derivation of Red Snapper Time Series from SEAMAP and Groundfish Trawl Surveys

S7DW02 Calibration Among the Separate Trawl Survey Programs to Extend the Time Series for Juvenile Snapper Indexes

S7DW03 Some Bayesian Approaches to Estimation of Shrimp Fleet Bycatch

S7DW04 Behavior and Swimming Performance of red Snapper: Its Application to Shrimp Trawl Bycatch Reduction

S7DW05 Observer Coverage of the US Gulf of Mexico and Southeastern Atlantic Shrimp Fishery, February 1992-December 2003 - Methods

S7DW06 Discussion of Days Fished Expansion in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery

S7DW07 Bioeconomic Simulation Analysis of Alternative Bycatch, Commercial, and Recreation Policies for the Recovery of Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper

S7DW08 Shark/Snapper/Grouper Longline Surveys

S7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of Mexico

S7DW10 Data Summary of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Collected During Small Pelagic Trawl

S7DW11 Assessment of the Distribution and Abundance of Coastal Sharks in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Eastern Seaboard, 1995 and 1996

S7DW12 Estimation of Prey Biomass Necessary to Maintain the Equilibrium Standing Stock Biomass of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), at Various Levels, in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW13 The Steepness Stock-Recruit Parameter for Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico (Lutjanus campechanus): What Can Be Learned From Other Fish Stocks?

S7DW14 The Potential for Incorporating a Larval Index of Abundance for Stock Assessment of Red Snapper, Lutjanus Campechanus

S7DW15 SEAMAP Reef Fish Survey of Offshore Banks

S7DW16 Retrospective Coding of Dual Size Classes of Size Frequency Data for Red Snapper Collected During SEAMAP Shrimp/BottomFish surveys

S7DW18 Red snapper movements based on tag recovery data.

S7DW19 Estimating Catches and Fishing Effort of the Southeast United States Headboat Fleet, 1972-1982.

S7DW20 Overview of State Trip Ticket Programs in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW21 Fishery independent estimation of abundance, age frequency, growth rates, and mortality of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus, in the northeast Gulf of Mexico.

S7DW22 Estimates of Red Snapper Discards by Vessels with a Federal Permit in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW23 Commercial Landings Statistics –Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW24 Estimation of Effort in the Offshore Shrimp Trawl Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW25 Using scenario-based population dynamics modeling to prioritize those parameters in Gulf of Mexico red snapper stock assessment where uncertainty should be taken into account

S7DW26 Using demographic analysis to evaluate the stock resilience implications and plausibility of life history parameter values assumed for Gulf of Mexico red snapper.


S7DW28 Summary of Fishing Mortality for the Red Snapper Research Project off Alabama

S7DW31 EBLUP Small Area Estimation for Red Snapper Bycatch from the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fleet

S7DW32 Spatial Modeling of Red Snapper Shrimp Fleet Bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico

S7DW33 Addendum

S7DW33 Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) otolith aging summary 1980 & 1991-2002.

S7DW34 Precision of age estimation in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus).

S7DW35 Addendum

S7DW35 Characterization of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) reproduction: for the 2004 Gulf of Mexico SEDAR. NOAA, NMFS, Panama CityLaboratory. Contribution Series: 04-01.

S7DW36 Red snapper otoliths selected for aging at NMFS Panama City Laboratory and discussion of future sampling targets. NOAA, NMFS, Panama City Laboratory. Contribution Series: 04-02

S7DW37 Analysis of Total Fishing Mortality for Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Contributed by Shrimp Trawl Bycatch and Commercial and Recreational Fisheries (Including Discards)

S7DW38 Status of bycatch reduction device performance and research in Norh-Central and Western Gulf of Mexico

S7DW39 Florida Fishery Dependent Monitoring

S7DW40 History of red snapper management in federal waters of the US Gulf of Mexico, 1984-2004.

S7DW41 Alternative catch rate indices for red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) landed during 1981-2003 by the U.S. recreational fishery in the Gulf of Mexico using MRFSS and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department data sets.

S7DW42 Standardized catch rates of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the United States headboat fishery in the Gulf of Mexico during 1986-2002

S7DW43 Some problems with sampling commercial red snapper fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico.

S7DW44 Estimation of species misidentification in the commercial landing data of red snappers in the Gulf of Mexico.

S7DW45 Size frequency distribution of red snapper from dockside sampling of commercial landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003 (TIP size data)

S7DW46 Size frequency distribution of red snapper from dockside sampling of recreational landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003 (TXPW, MRFSS, and headboats size data)

S7DW47 Standardized catch rates of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the United States commercial handline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico during 1996-2003

S7DW49 A priori estimates of natural mortality rates and stock-recruitment curve steepness for Gulf of Mexico red snapper

S7DW50 An age-structured assessment model for red snapper that allows for multiple stocks, fleets, and habitats.

S7DW51 MSY, Bycatch and Minimization to the “Extent Practicable”

S7DW52 Length and weight conversions for Florida’s recreationally important finfish species

S7DW53 Comparisons of Relative Fishing Powers of Selected SEAMAP Survey Vessels

S7DW54 Update for the Bayesian estimation of shrimp fleet bycatch

S7DW55 An evaulation of the first annulus for red snapper off Alabama

S7DW56 Some methods of calculating catch at age of the directed fisheries for red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico, 1984-2002

S7DW57 An Update of Shrimp Trawl Bycatch Reduction Efforts in the Gulf of Mexico

Workshop Supplementary

S7RD01 Description of a simple electronic logbook designed to measure effort in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery.

S7RD02 An evaluation of an electronic logbook (ELB) as a more accurate method of estimating spatial patterns oftrawling effort and bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery.

S7RD03 Movement of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, in the North central Gulf of Mexico: Potential effects of hurricanes

S7RD04 Movement of tagged red snapper in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

S7RD05 Consolidated Report of the Peer Review of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Research and Management in the Gulf of Mexico anon.

S7RD06 Stock Structure of red snapper in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Is there management as a single stock justified based on spatial and temporal patters of genetic variation, otolith microchemistry,and growth rates?

S7RD07 Red snapper discards in Texas coastal waters—a fishery dependent onboard survey of recreational headboat discards and landings.

S7RD08 Age and growth of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, from an artificial reef area off Alabamain northern Gulf of Mexico

S7RD10 Site fidelity and dispersion of red snapper associated with artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 908690
Date Effective From: 2002
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Williams, Erik
Address: 101 Pivers Island Rd
Beaufort, NC 28516
Email Address:
Phone: 252-728-8603
Fax: 252-728-8784
Contact Instructions:

Contact by email preferred.


CC ID: 908691
Date Effective From: 2005
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC)
Address: 75 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, FL 33149
Phone: (305)361-5761
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 908692
Date Effective From: 2002
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Williams, Erik
Address: 101 Pivers Island Rd
Beaufort, NC 28516
Email Address:
Phone: 252-728-8603
Fax: 252-728-8784
Contact Instructions:

Contact by email preferred.

Point of Contact

CC ID: 908693
Date Effective From: 2002
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Shertzer, Kyle
Address: 101 Pivers Island Rd
Beaufort, NC 28516
Email Address:
Phone: 252-728-8607
Fax: 252-728-8784
Contact Instructions:

Contact by email preferred.

Child Items

Rubric scores updated every 15m

Rubric Score Type Title
Document S7DW01 Derivation of Red Snapper Time Series from SEAMAP and Groundfish Trawl Surveys
Document S7DW02 Calibration Among the Separate Trawl Survey Programs to Extend the Time Series for Juvenile Snapper Indexes
Document S7DW03 Some Bayesian Approaches to Estimation of Shrimp Fleet Bycatch
Document S7DW04 Behavior and Swimming Performance of red Snapper: Its Application to Shrimp Trawl Bycatch Reduction
Document S7DW05 Observer Coverage of the US Gulf of Mexico and Southeastern Atlantic Shrimp Fishery, February 1992-December 2003 - Methods
Document S7DW06 Discussion of Days Fished Expansion in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery
Document S7DW07 Bioeconomic Simulation Analysis of Alternative Bycatch, Commercial, and Recreation Policies for the Recovery of Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper
Document S7DW08 Shark/Snapper/Grouper Longline Surveys
Document S7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of MexicoS7DW09 Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Caught on Research Longlines in U.S. Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW10 Data Summary of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Collected During Small Pelagic Trawl
Document S7DW11 Assessment of the Distribution and Abundance of Coastal Sharks in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Eastern Seaboard, 1995 and 1996
Document S7DW12 Estimation of Prey Biomass Necessary to Maintain the Equilibrium Standing Stock Biomass of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), at Various Levels, in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW13 The Steepness Stock-Recruit Parameter for Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico (Lutjanus campechanus): What Can Be Learned From Other Fish Stocks?
Document S7DW14 The Potential for Incorporating a Larval Index of Abundance for Stock Assessment of Red Snapper, Lutjanus Campechanus
Document S7DW15 SEAMAP Reef Fish Survey of Offshore Banks
Document S7DW16 Retrospective Coding of Dual Size Classes of Size Frequency Data for Red Snapper Collected During SEAMAP Shrimp/BottomFish surveys
Document S7DW18 Red snapper movements based on tag recovery data
Document S7DW19 Estimating Catches and Fishing Effort of the Southeast United States Headboat Fleet, 1972-1982
Document S7DW20 Overview of State Trip Ticket Programs in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW21 Fishery independent estimation of abundance, age frequency, growth rates, and mortality of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus, in the northeast Gulf of Mexico.
Document S7DW22 Estimates of Red Snapper Discards by Vessels with a Federal Permit in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW23 Commercial Landings Statistics –Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW24 Estimation of Effort in the Offshore Shrimp Trawl Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW25 Using scenario-based population dynamics modeling to prioritize those parameters in Gulf of Mexico red snapper stock assessment where uncertainty should be taken into account
Document S7DW26 Using demographic analysis to evaluate the stock resilience implications and plausibility of life history parameter values assumed for Gulf of Mexico red snapper.
Document S7DW28 Summary of Fishing Mortality for the Red Snapper Research Project off Alabama
Document S7DW31 EBLUP Small Area Estimation for Red Snapper Bycatch from the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fleet
Document S7DW32 Spatial Modeling of Red Snapper Shrimp Fleet Bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW33 Addendum
Document S7DW33 Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) otolith aging summary 1980 & 1991-2002
Document S7DW34 Precision of age estimation in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus).
Document S7DW35 Addendum
Document S7DW35 Characterization of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) reproduction: for the 2004 Gulf of Mexico SEDAR. NOAA, NMFS, Panama CityLaboratory. Contribution Series: 04-01.
Document S7DW36 Red snapper otoliths selected for aging at NMFS Panama City Laboratory and discussion of future sampling targets. NOAA, NMFS, Panama City Laboratory. Contribution Series: 04-02
Document S7DW37 Analysis of Total Fishing Mortality for Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Contributed by Shrimp Trawl Bycatch and Commercial and Recreational Fisheries (Including Discards)
Document S7DW38 Status of bycatch reduction device performance and research in Norh-Central and Western Gulf of Mexico
Document S7DW39 Florida Fishery Dependent Monitoring
Document S7DW40 History of red snapper management in federal waters of the US Gulf of Mexico, 1984-2004
Document S7DW41 Alternative catch rate indices for red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) landed during 1981-2003 by the U.S. recreational fishery in the Gulf of Mexico using MRFSS and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department data sets
Document S7DW42 Standardized catch rates of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the United States headboat fishery in the Gulf of Mexico during 1986-2002
Document S7DW43 Some problems with sampling commercial red snapper fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico.
Document S7DW44 Estimation of species misidentification in the commercial landing data of red snappers in the Gulf of Mexico.
Document S7DW45 Size frequency distribution of red snapper from dockside sampling of commercial landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003 (TIP size data)
Document S7DW46 Size frequency distribution of red snapper from dockside sampling of recreational landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1984-2003 (TXPW, MRFSS, and headboats size data)
Document S7DW47 Standardized catch rates of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the United States commercial handline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico during 1996-2003
Document S7DW49 A priori estimates of natural mortality rates and stock-recruitment curve steepness for Gulf of Mexico red snapper
Document S7DW50 An age-structured assessment model for red snapper that allows for multiple stocks, fleets, and habitats
Document S7DW51 MSY, Bycatch and Minimization to the “Extent Practicable”
Document S7DW52 Length and weight conversions for Florida’s recreationally important finfish species
Document S7DW53 Comparisons of Relative Fishing Powers of Selected SEAMAP Survey Vessels
Document S7DW54 Update for the Bayesian estimation of shrimp fleet bycatch
Document S7DW55 An evaulation of the first annulus for red snapper off Alabama
Document S7DW56 Some methods of calculating catch at age of the directed fisheries for red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico, 1984-2002
Document S7DW57 An Update of Shrimp Trawl Bycatch Reduction Efforts in the Gulf of Mexico
Document S7RD01 Description of a simple electronic logbook designed to measure effort in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery
Document S7RD02 An evaluation of an electronic logbook (ELB) as a more accurate method of estimating spatial patterns oftrawling effort and bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery.
Document S7RD03 Movement of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, in the North central Gulf of Mexico: Potential effects of hurricanes
Document S7RD04 Movement of tagged red snapper in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Document S7RD05 Consolidated Report of the Peer Review of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Research and Management in the Gulf of Mexico anon.
Document S7RD06 Stock Structure of red snapper in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Is there management as a single stock justified based on spatial and temporal patters of genetic variation, otolith microchemistry,and growth rates?
Document S7RD07 Red snapper discards in Texas coastal waters—a fishery dependent onboard survey of recreational headboat discards and landings.
Document S7RD08 Age and growth of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, from an artificial reef area off Alabamain northern Gulf of Mexico
Document S7RD10 Site fidelity and dispersion of red snapper associated with artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 59714
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:59714
Metadata Record Created By: Lee M Weinberger
Metadata Record Created: 2020-05-20 08:27+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: Lee M Weinberger
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-12-29 22:47+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2020-06-01
Owner Org: SEFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2020-06-01
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2021-06-01