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Short Citation
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, 2025: National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Methodological Case Study for 'Downscaling Ecological Trends from the Spatially Randomized Datasets' in the Main Hawaiian Islands, 2005-2016,
Full Citation Examples


The data described here result from the application of a down-scaling method to NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) benthic cover data, in an attempt by the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD) to make NCRMP data maximally useful to reef managers.

ESD scientists took benthic cover data from the Main Hawaiian Islands from 2005-2016 and applied a statistical technique based on contiguous clustering and mixed model analysis to discover an optimal reporting sector for NCRMP data (Oliver et al 2020). Specifically, clusters were identified based on NCRMP benthic cover data collected by ESD from 4 survey methods (towed diver, line point intercept, and photoquadrat surveys in which benthic images were analyzed either using CoralNet or CPCe) and then the optimal size and number of spatial sectors was assessed to generate reporting sector assignments that balanced minimal size against maximal ecological homogeneity and statistical power. These assignments are recorded in the dataset along with the source benthic cover observations, including live hard coral cover, soft coral cover, crustose coralline algae cover, macroalgal and turf algae cover, sediment cover, and all other categories are binned into "other".

Distribution Information

  • Zip file containing a shapefile of the selected down-scaled reporting sectors resulting from the analysis. The zip file contains the required files that comprise a shapefile, including .shp (main file that stores the feature geometry), .shx (index file that stores the index of the feature geometry, and .dbf (dBASE table that stores the attribute information of features). Additional files provided with the shapefile include .prj (stores the coordinate system information), .sbn and .sbx (the 2 files that store the spatial index of the features), .xml (metadata for ArcGIS—stores information about the shapefile), and the optional .cpg (specifies the codepage for identifying the characterset to be used). The additional and optional files were all autogenerated by ArcGIS. When viewing the shapefile in any ArcGIS application, you will only see one file representing the shapefile; use Windows Explorer to view all the files associated with the shapefile.

  • CSV - Comma Separated Values (Text)

    This file links the figures in the associated NOAA Technical Memo report to the corresponding fields in the data file (ESD_Downscaling-Cover_MHI_2005-2016.csv).

  • CSV - Comma Separated Values (Text)

    Site-level benthic cover dataset with assigned cluster IDs generated by the NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Sciences Division for the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program down-scaling analysis for the main Hawaiian Islands. Data is from 4 different methods ranging from 2005 to 2016.

  • PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format

    NOAA Tech Memo, Downscaling Ecological Trends from the Spatially Randomized Datasets of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP), describing the analysis in which a statistical technique based on contiguous clustering and mixed model analysis was used to downscale NCRMP benthic cover data and applied to a case study in the main Hawaiian Islands.

Access Constraints:


Use Constraints:

Please cite NOAA Fisheries, Ecosystem Science Division (ESD) when using the data.


Ecosystem Science Division; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, 2020: National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Methodological Case Study for 'Downscaling Ecological Trends from the Spatially Randomized Datasets' in the Main Hawaiian Islands, 2005-2016,

Controlled Theme Keywords


Child Items

Type Title
Entity Downscaling_Dataset_Entities

Contact Information

Point of Contact
Thomas Oliver

Metadata Contact
Annette M DesRochers


Geographic Area 1

-160.2520966° W, -154.8065752° E, 22.24684434° N, 18.90837018° S

Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI), including Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Oahu, Molokai, Niihau, and Lanai.

Time Frame 1
2005-07-14 - 2016-08-24

Date range of NCRMP data collections for benthic cover (4 methods, including towed diver, LPI, and PQ analyzed using CPCe and CoralNet).

Item Identification

Title: National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Methodological Case Study for 'Downscaling Ecological Trends from the Spatially Randomized Datasets' in the Main Hawaiian Islands, 2005-2016
Short Name: Downscaling: Benthic Cover, Hawaii
Status: Completed
Creation Date: 2020-05
Publication Date: 2020

The data described here result from the application of a down-scaling method to NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) benthic cover data, in an attempt by the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD) to make NCRMP data maximally useful to reef managers.

ESD scientists took benthic cover data from the Main Hawaiian Islands from 2005-2016 and applied a statistical technique based on contiguous clustering and mixed model analysis to discover an optimal reporting sector for NCRMP data (Oliver et al 2020). Specifically, clusters were identified based on NCRMP benthic cover data collected by ESD from 4 survey methods (towed diver, line point intercept, and photoquadrat surveys in which benthic images were analyzed either using CoralNet or CPCe) and then the optimal size and number of spatial sectors was assessed to generate reporting sector assignments that balanced minimal size against maximal ecological homogeneity and statistical power. These assignments are recorded in the dataset along with the source benthic cover observations, including live hard coral cover, soft coral cover, crustose coralline algae cover, macroalgal and turf algae cover, sediment cover, and all other categories are binned into "other".


To make these NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) data maximally useful to managers, we explore the application of contiguous clustering and mixed model analysis to reduce the size of statistically robust reporting sectors.

Other Citation Details:

Oliver TA, Barkley H, Couch C, Kindinger T, Williams I. 2020. Downscaling ecological trends from the spatially randomized datasets of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. NOAA Tech Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-106, 59 p. doi:10.25923/2fef-8r42

Supplemental Information:

The NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) details a long-term approach to provide an ecosystem perspective via monitoring climate, fish, benthic, and socioeconomic variables in a consistent and integrated manner. The NCRMP coordinates various Coral Reef Conservation Coral Reef Program (CRCP) biological, physical, and human dimensions activities into a cohesive NOAA-wide effort. Through the implementation of the NCRMP, NOAA is able to clearly and concisely communicate results of national-scale monitoring to national, state, and territorial policy makers, resource managers, and the public on a periodic basis.

NCRMP is a framework for conducting sustained observations of biological, climate, and socioeconomic indicators at 10 priority coral reefs areas across the U.S. and its territories. This integrated approach consolidates monitoring of coral reefs under a uniform method in the Pacific, Atlantic, Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico for the first time. NCRMP is funded by the CRCP and supported by NOAA Fisheries, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), and many other partners. The Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD) at NOAA Fisheries is leading biological monitoring in the U.S. Pacific Islands Region.

The biological component of NCRMP in the Pacific provides a triennial ecological characterization at a broad spatial scale of general reef condition for reef fishes, corals and benthic habitat (i.e., fish species composition/density/size, benthic cover, and coral density/size/condition). Innovative analysis techniques are then used to develop products that give fellow scientists, managers, decision makers and the public a better understanding of a region's resources and how they are changing over time.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
ISO 19115 Topic Category
CoRIS Discovery Thesaurus Numeric Data Sets > Benthic
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Aquatic Habitat > Benthic Habitat
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Aquatic Habitat > Reef Habitat
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Vegetation > Algae > Algal Cover
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Vegetation > Algae > Crustose Coralline Algae
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment > Benthos Analysis
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment > Photographic Analysis
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs > Coral Reef Ecology
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs > Coral Reef Ecology > Benthic biology
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs > Coral Reef Ecology > Coral Cover
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs > Coral Reef Ecology > Hard Coral Cover
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs > Coral Reef Ecology > OctoCoral Cover
CRCP Project 1221
CRCP Project 31249
CRCP Project 587
CRCP Project 743
CRCP Project C204 Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (Pacific RAMP): Biennial monitoring for the US Pacific Islands and Atolls
CRCP Project Downscaling Reef Resilience
CRCP Project National Coral Reef Monitoring Program
CRCP Project Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program: Monitoring coral reef ecosystems of the US Pacific Islands and Atolls
NODC PROJECT NAMES THESAURUS Coral Reef Conservation Program
NODC PROJECT NAMES THESAURUS National Coral Reef Monitoring Program
NODC PROJECT NAMES THESAURUS Pacific Reef and Assessment Monitoring Program
NODC SUBMITTING INSTITUTION NAMES THESAURUS US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center; Ecosystem Sciences Division
None Coral Reef Ecosystem Division
None Coral Reef Ecosystem Program
None downscaling
None Ecosystem Sciences Division
None ESD
None Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
None Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Hawaii > Hawaii (21N160W0000)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Hawaii > Hawaii Island (19N155W0003)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Hawaii > Kauai Island (22N159W0001)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Hawaii > Molokai Island (21N157W0001)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Honolulu > Oahu (21N157W0003)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Kauai > Niihau Island (21N160W0001)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Maui > Lanai Island (20N156W0002)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Maui > Maui Island (20N156W0004)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaiian Islands (21N157W0027)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands (21N157W0027)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Hawaii > Hawaii (21N160W0000)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Hawaii Island > Hawaii Island (19N155W0003)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Kauai Island > Kauai Island (22N159W0001)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Lanai Island > Lanai Island (20N156W0002)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Maui Island > Maui Island (20N156W0004)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Molokai Island > Molokai Island (21N157W0001)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Niihau Island > Niihau Island (21N160W0001)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Oahu Island > Oahu (21N157W0003)
NODC Sea Area Names Thesaurus Coastal Waters of Hawaii
NODC Sea Area Names Thesaurus North Pacific Ocean
None Main Hawaiian Islands
None MHI

Physical Location

Organization: Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
City: Honolulu
State/Province: HI
Country: USA

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Data Set Type: Mixed: GIS shapefiles and CSV
Maintenance Frequency: None Planned
Data Presentation Form: Table (digital)
Entity Attribute Overview:

Data file includes metadata for each survey (date and location); site characteristics (depth); method used to collect imagery (LPI, towed diver, photoquads analyed using CoralNet, and photoquads analyzed using CPCe), and benthic cover categories common across all 4 methods (coral, soft coral, CCA, macroalgae, sediment, and other). These data have been clustered according to the method in the associated tech memo, and cluster assignments of individual sites are included in the data table.

Entity Attribute Detail URL:
Distribution Liability:

While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty.

Data Set Credit: NOAA Fisheries, Ecosystem Sciences Division and funded by the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program

Support Roles

Data Set Credit

CC ID: 909812
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP)
Address: 1305 East West Highway 10th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281
Phone: (301) 713-3155

Data Steward

CC ID: 909811
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Oliver, Thomas
Address: 1845 Wasp Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96818
Email Address:
Phone: (808)725-5444


CC ID: 909813
Date Effective From: 2020
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Email Address:
URL: NCEI Contact Information

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 909806
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): DesRochers, Annette M
Address: 1845 Wasp Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96818
Email Address:
Phone: (808)725-5461
Business Hours: 8 am - 5 pm


CC ID: 909809
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC)
Address: 1845 Wasp Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96818
Email Address:
Phone: 808-725-5360
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Point of Contact

CC ID: 909810
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Oliver, Thomas
Address: 1845 Wasp Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96818
Email Address:
Phone: (808)725-5444


Currentness Reference: Ground Condition

Extent Group 1

Extent Description:

Main Hawaiian Islands

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 909834
W° Bound: -160.2520966
E° Bound: -154.8065752
N° Bound: 22.24684434
S° Bound: 18.90837018

Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI), including Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Oahu, Molokai, Niihau, and Lanai.

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 909829
Time Frame Type: Range
Start: 2005-07-14
End: 2016-08-24

Date range of NCRMP data collections for benthic cover (4 methods, including towed diver, LPI, and PQ analyzed using CPCe and CoralNet).

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Security Classification System:

Not applicable

Security Handling Description:

Not applicable

Data Access Policy:

NOAA Ecosystem Science Division (ESD) Data Sharing Recommendations, version 9.0 updated August 12, 2015:

ESD welcomes the opportunity to collaborate on research issues contributing to the scientific basis for better management of marine ecosystems. ESD has a very diverse set of field activities that generates large volumes of data using an array of data collection protocols.

The following recommendations are for your consideration as you use this data:

1) Data analyses should take all field exigencies into account. The most effective way to do this would be active collaboration with ESD principal investigators.

2) In all presentations, product releases, or publications using data generated by ESD, proper acknowledgement of both ESD and the individuals responsible for data collection is expected. Citing the DOI (if available) is preferred, a non-DOI example is listed below.

3) If you collect or generate data for the same study areas, ESD requests that you share relevant information on complimentary data collections.

4) Those receiving data are strongly urged to inform the ESD Data Management Team of any errors and discrepancies that are discovered during the course of using these data. They are further urged to bring to the attention of the Team all problems and difficulties encountered in using these data. This information is necessary in order to improve the collections and to facilitate more efficient and economical data processing and retrieval. The users are asked to supply copies of any missing data that may be located, and to provide information as to significant subsets and special aggregations of data that are developed in using the material provided.

Example citation:

"This publication makes use of data products provided by the Ecosystem Science Division (ESD), Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), with funding support from the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP). The analysis and interpretations presented here are solely that of the current authors.”

Data Access Procedure:

Data can be accessed online via the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Ocean Archive.

Data Access Constraints:


Data Use Constraints:

Please cite NOAA Fisheries, Ecosystem Science Division (ESD) when using the data.


Ecosystem Science Division; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, 2020: National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Methodological Case Study for 'Downscaling Ecological Trends from the Spatially Randomized Datasets' in the Main Hawaiian Islands, 2005-2016,

Metadata Access Constraints:


Metadata Use Constraints:


Distribution Information

Distribution 1

CC ID: 912834
Start Date: 2020-07-20
End Date: Present
Download URL:
Distributor: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (2020 - Present)
File Name:

Zip file containing a shapefile of the selected down-scaled reporting sectors resulting from the analysis. The zip file contains the required files that comprise a shapefile, including .shp (main file that stores the feature geometry), .shx (index file that stores the index of the feature geometry, and .dbf (dBASE table that stores the attribute information of features). Additional files provided with the shapefile include .prj (stores the coordinate system information), .sbn and .sbx (the 2 files that store the spatial index of the features), .xml (metadata for ArcGIS—stores information about the shapefile), and the optional .cpg (specifies the codepage for identifying the characterset to be used). The additional and optional files were all autogenerated by ArcGIS. When viewing the shapefile in any ArcGIS application, you will only see one file representing the shapefile; use Windows Explorer to view all the files associated with the shapefile.

File Date/Time: 2020-06-26 00:00:00
File Type (Deprecated): ZIP
Compression: Zip

Distribution 2

CC ID: 913391
Start Date: 2020-07-20
End Date: Present
Download URL:
Distributor: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (2020 - Present)
File Name: Downscaling_Figure_Link_to_Data.csv

This file links the figures in the associated NOAA Technical Memo report to the corresponding fields in the data file (ESD_Downscaling-Cover_MHI_2005-2016.csv).

File Date/Time: 2020-07-16 00:00:00
File Type (Deprecated): csv (comma-separated values)
Distribution Format: CSV - Comma Separated Values (Text)

Distribution 3

CC ID: 909814
Start Date: 2020-07-20
End Date: Present
Download URL:
Distributor: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (2020 - Present)
File Name: ESD_Downscaling-Cover_MHI_2005-2016.csv

Site-level benthic cover dataset with assigned cluster IDs generated by the NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Sciences Division for the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program down-scaling analysis for the main Hawaiian Islands. Data is from 4 different methods ranging from 2005 to 2016.

File Date/Time: 2020-06-26 00:00:00
File Type (Deprecated): csv (comma-separated values)
Distribution Format: CSV - Comma Separated Values (Text)

Distribution 4

CC ID: 915652
Start Date: 2020-07-20
End Date: Present
Download URL:
Distributor: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (2020 - Present)
File Name: PIFSC_NTM-PIFSC-106_2020_NCRMP_Downscaling.pdf

NOAA Tech Memo, Downscaling Ecological Trends from the Spatially Randomized Datasets of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP), describing the analysis in which a statistical technique based on contiguous clustering and mixed model analysis was used to downscale NCRMP benthic cover data and applied to a case study in the main Hawaiian Islands.

File Date/Time: 2020-07-14 00:00:00
File Type (Deprecated): PDF
Distribution Format: PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format



CC ID: 909816
Name: CoralNet Home Page
URL Type:
Online Resource


CC ID: 909817
Name: Coral Point Count with Excel Extensions (CPCe) website
URL Type:
Online Resource


CC ID: 909818
Name: NOAA Fisheries website, Coral Reefs in the Pacific
URL Type:
Online Resource


CC ID: 909819
Name: NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) website
URL Type:
Online Resource
File Resource Format: PHP

Technical Environment


Data were compiled and analyzed using R version 3.6.1

Data Quality


For accuracy of each of the NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) methods, refer to the documentation for the source datasets (line-point intercept, benthic towed diver, and stratified random benthic cover from image analysis). Accuracy of the sector-level estimates depend on sample size within the sector, and detailed descriptions of model fit are included in the technical memo associated with this dataset.

Analytical Accuracy:

All data presented here represent statistical reanalysis of existing NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) data. For detailed descriptions of Analytical Accuracy of those measures, refer to the documentation for the source datasets (line-point intercept, benthic towed diver, and stratified random benthic cover from image analysis).

Completeness Report:

The sectors presented here are defined by benthic cover data available for the main Hawaiian Islands from NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP; 2013-2015) and Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (RAMP; 2005-2012) surveys from 2005-2015. In analysis of trends, we also added the post-bleaching data from 2016.

Conceptual Consistency:

This analysis was designed to as closely represent the conceptual vision given available data.

Quality Control Procedures Employed:

The NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) runs thorough quality control procedures described in the original survey records. Our analysis was reviewed by all co-authors, their respective Division chiefs, and NOAA Fisheries technical and editorial review by the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center.

Data Management

Have Resources for Management of these Data Been Identified?: Yes
Approximate Percentage of Budget for these Data Devoted to Data Management: Unknown
Do these Data Comply with the Data Access Directive?: Yes
Is Access to the Data Limited Based on an Approved Waiver?: No
Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Dissemination: Unknown
Actual or Planned Long-Term Data Archive Location: NCEI-MD
Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Archiving: Unknown
How Will the Data Be Protected from Accidental or Malicious Modification or Deletion Prior to Receipt by the Archive?:

NOAA IRC and NOAA Fisheries ITS resources and assets.


Lineage Statement:

In the NOAA Technical Memo Report associated with this dataset, we present a statistical technique based on contiguous clustering and mixed model analysis to downscale the NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) and Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program benthic cover data and apply it to a case study in the main Hawaiian Islands.


Oliver TA, Barkley H, Couch C, Kindinger T, Williams I. 2020. Downscaling ecological trends from the spatially randomized datasets of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. NOAA Tech Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-106, 59 p.

CC ID: 912836
Contact Role Type: Originator
Contact Type: Organization
Contact Name: Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
Publish Date: 2020-07-14
Citation URL:
Citation URL Name: NOAA Institutional Repository
Source Contribution:

Analysis report: thoroughly describes the process to generate the associated dataset.

Process Steps

Process Step 1

CC ID: 913292

Data Compilation: First, we summarize relevant data across methodologies and metrics. Data selected include benthic cover data from line-point intercept, benthic towed diver, and stratifed-random photoquadrat surveys (analyzed either in CPCe or CoralNet). A key step in this process is to thoughtfully, with an understanding of the respective methods, compile data into an analyzable dataset. Benthic categories selected for the analysis include hard live coral, soft coral, crustose coralline algae (CCA), macro and turf algae, sediment, and other.

Process Contact: Oliver, Thomas
Phone (Voice): (808)725-5444
Email Address:
Source: Oliver TA, Barkley H, Couch C, Kindinger T, Williams I. 2020. Downscaling ecological trends from the spatially randomized datasets of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. NOAA Tech Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-106, 59 p.

Process Step 2

CC ID: 912835

Hierarchical Contiguous Clustering: To perform the clustering, we first convert points to polygons using Voronoi tessellation, define a neighbor-joining network and assign branch lengths based on ecological distance across a number of benthic cover categories, and then prune the network into a minimum-spanning tree to set up for evaluating the quality of defined clusters.

Process Contact: Oliver, Thomas
Phone (Voice): (808)725-5444
Email Address:
Source: Oliver TA, Barkley H, Couch C, Kindinger T, Williams I. 2020. Downscaling ecological trends from the spatially randomized datasets of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. NOAA Tech Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-106, 59 p.

Process Step 3

CC ID: 913293

Select the Appropriate Number of Clusters: With the generation of a minimum spanning tree, we have a data structure that represents a hierarchically nested set of clusters, but we do not yet know the appropriate number of clusters. To assess the appropriate number of clusters to generate, we primarily balance the number/size of sectors against the statistical performance of the cluster set, as our other goals are inherently dealt with in the methodological approach.

Process Contact: Oliver, Thomas
Phone (Voice): (808)725-5444
Email Address:
Source: Oliver TA, Barkley H, Couch C, Kindinger T, Williams I. 2020. Downscaling ecological trends from the spatially randomized datasets of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. NOAA Tech Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-106, 59 p.

Process Step 4

CC ID: 913294

Mixed Model Analysis of Trends: Given a chosen level of clustering and the spatial polygons, we can define spatial sectors with which to run our analysis and apply hierarchical mixed models to evaluate long-term trends.

Process Contact: Oliver, Thomas
Phone (Voice): (808)725-5444
Email Address:
Source: Oliver TA, Barkley H, Couch C, Kindinger T, Williams I. 2020. Downscaling ecological trends from the spatially randomized datasets of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. NOAA Tech Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-106, 59 p.

Acquisition Information


Instrument Unavailable Reason: Not Applicable


Platform Unavailable Reason: Not Applicable

Child Items

Rubric scores updated every 15m

Rubric Score Type Title
Entity Downscaling_Dataset_Entities

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 59928
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:59928
Metadata Record Created By: Annette M DesRochers
Metadata Record Created: 2020-06-03 20:03+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2024-10-03 18:16+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2020-07-20
Owner Org: PIFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2020-07-20
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2021-07-20