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Division / Root Project Title Cat ID
Endangered Species Conservation Division (F/PR3) Atlantic Salmon (Gulf of Maine DPS) 65275
Atlantic Sturgeon (Carolina DPS) 65353
Atlantic Sturgeon (Chesapeake Bay DPS) 65355
Atlantic Sturgeon (Gulf of Maine DPS) 65357
Atlantic Sturgeon (New York Bight DPS) 65359
Atlantic Sturgeon (South Atlantic DPS) 65361
Bearded Seal (Beringia DPS) 66952
Beluga Whale (Cook Inlet DPS) 65371
Black Abalone 65233
Bocaccio (PugetSoundGeorgiaBasinDPS) 65235
Boulder Star Coral 65253
Chinook Salmon (California Coastal ESU) 65277
Chinook Salmon (Central Valley spring-run ESU) 65279
Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) 65281
Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) polygon 65285
Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) polyline 65283
Chinook Salmon (Sacramento River winter-run ESU) polygon 65289
Chinook Salmon (Sacramento River winter-run ESU) polyline 65287
Chinook Salmon (Snake River fall-run ESU) 65291
Chinook Salmon (Upper Columbia River spring-run ESU) 65293
Chinook Salmon (Upper Willamette River ESU) 65295
Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) 65297
Chum Salmon (Hood Canal summer-run ESU) polygon 65301
Chum Salmon (Hood Canal summer-run ESU) polyline 65299
Coho Salmon (Central California Coast ESU) 65303
Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) 65305
Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) 65307
Elkhorn Coral 65405
Eulachon (Southern DPS) 65241
False Killer Whale (Main Hawaiian Islands Insular DPS) 65373
Green Sea Turtle (Central North Pacific DPS) Proposed 70307
Green Sea Turtle (Central South Pacific DPS) Proposed 70309
Green Sea Turtle (Central West Pacific DPS) Proposed 70311
Green Sea Turtle (East Pacific DPS) Proposed 70305
Green Sea Turtle (North Atlantic DPS) 65323
Green Sea Turtle (North Atlantic DPS) Proposed 70300
Green Sea Turtle (South Atlantic DPS) Proposed 70303
Green Sturgeon (Southern DPS) line 65367
Green Sturgeon (Southern DPS) polygon 65369
GrouperNassau_20240102 68025
Gulf Sturgeon (line) 65363
Gulf Sturgeon (polygon) 65365
Hawaiian Monk Seal (line) 65317
Hawaiian Monk Seal (polygon) 65319
Hawksbill Sea Turtle 65325
Humpback Whale (Central America DPS) 65375
Humpback Whale (Mexico DPS) 65377
Humpback Whale (Western North Pacific DPS) 65379
Killer Whale (Southern Resident DPS) 65409
Leatherback Sea Turtle 65327
Lobed Star Coral 65259
Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Northwest Atlantic Ocean DPS) 65329
Mountainous Star Coral 65261
North Atlantic Right Whale 65383
North Pacific Right Whale 65385
Pillar Coral 65263
Proposed Critical Habitat for Coral Species Acropora globiceps 65245
Proposed Critical Habitat for Coral Species Acropora retusa 65249
Proposed Critical Habitat for Coral Species Acropora speciosa 65251
Proposed Critical Habitat for Coral Species Euphyllia paradivisa 65255
Proposed Critical Habitat for Coral Species Isopora crateriformis 65257
Proposed_RicesWhale_20230724 70324
Ringed Seal (Arctic Subspecies) 66954
Rough Cactus Coral 65265
Smalltooth Sawfish (US DPS) 65315
Sockeye Salmon (Ozette Lake ESU) 65309
Staghorn Coral 65407
Steelhead (California Central Valley DPS) 65331
Steelhead (Central California Coast DPS) 65333
Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) 65335
Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) 65337
Steelhead (Northern California DPS) 65339
Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) 65341
Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) 65343
Steelhead (South Central California Coast DPS) 65345
Steelhead (Southern California DPS) 65347
Steelhead (Upper Columbia River DPS) 65349
Steelhead (Upper Willamette River DPS) 65351
Steller Sea Lion (Western DPS) 65321
Yelloweye Rockfish (Puget Sound Georgia Basin DPS) 65273
Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Division (F/PR2) 2016-2023 Humpback Whale Unusual Mortality Event along the Atlantic Coast Dead Animal Locations 69167
2017-2023 North Atlantic Right Whale Unusual Mortality Event Feature Service 64566
2017–2023 Minke Whale Unusual Mortality Event along the Atlantic Coast Dead Animal Locations 69458
2019 Bottlenose Dolphin Unusual Mortality Event Along the Northern Gulf of Mexico Feature Service 59707
2019-2023 Gray Whale Unusual Mortality Event Feature Service 66784
2022 Pinniped Unusual Mortality Event along the Maine Coast Dead Animal Locations 67672
Marine Mammal Authorization Program 29572
North Atlantic Right Whale Seasonal Management Areas 70994
Proposed Right Whale Seasonal Speed Zones 29544
Permits and Conservation Division (F/PR1) MMPA Incidental Take Authorization (ITA) GIS Map Data 29667
National Inventory of Marine Mammals (NIMM) 12776