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Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska Management Area Fishery Management Plan Historical Amendments 1 through 10


Historic amendments 1-10 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska Management Area
Fishing Type
Action Status
Final Rule
Amendments to the fishery management plan 1978-1982


These actions are necessary to promote management and conservation of groundfish and other living marine resources. They are intended to further the goals and objectives contained in the fishery management plan that governs these fisheries.

Amendment 1

This amendment extended the established optimum yields, statement of U.S. capacity, and total allowable level of foreign fishing from December 31, 1978 to October1, 1979. It also modified the language in the plan to reflect November as the start of the fishing year.

Federal Register

Amendment 2

This amendment raised the pollock reserve to 133,800 metric tons, with appropriate increases in the reserves of species that will be taken incidental to a directed fishery for pollock, in order to assure that an adequate supply of fish was available for harvest through October 31,1979 by U.S. fishermen in potential joint venture operations involving sale of U.S. caught fish to foreign processing vessels at sea.

Federal Register

Amendment 3

This amendment permits foreign longline fishermen to take the entire Chirikof total allowable levels for foreign fishing (and any allocated reserves) for Pacific cod in that portion of the Chirikof subarea west of 157° W. longitude.

Federal Register

Amendment 4

This amendment (containing 11 subparts) corrected omissions in the original plan, eliminated superfluous management measures, and eased the burden of the measures on both domestic and foreign fisherman.

Federal Register

Amendment 5

This amendment established an optimum yield, domestic annual harvest, and total allowable level of foreign fishing for fish of the genus Coryphaenoides

Federal Register

Amendment 6

This amendment lowered the estimates of domestic annual harvest and commensurately increased the total allowable level of foreign fishing.

Federal Register

Amendment 7

This amendment extended the plan, adjusted the optimum yield for Pacific cod, established a species category for Thornyhead Rockfish, and created new domestic reporting requirements.

Federal Register

Amendment 8

This amendment established optimum yields, four species categories, three sablefish areas, and required biodegradable panels on sablefish pots.

Amendment 9

This amendment closed Kodiak Gear Area to foreign trawl.

Amendment 10

This amendment reduced Pacific Ocean Perch catch and closed southeast Alaska to foreign trawl.

Last updated by Alaska Regional Office on 10/06/2022

Alaska Recordkeeping and Reporting