Seafood Commerce and Trade
Seafood Commerce and Trade
NOAA Fisheries works to ensure confidence in U.S. seafood by protecting and strengthening the seafood market through global trade, establishing partnerships with industry and consumer groups, providing seafood inspection services, and analyzing seafood safety risks.
We offer seafood inspection services to processors and importers, domestically and internationally, to assist in meeting U.S. regulations and generally accepted seafood production best practices governing fishery products for human consumption. This service supports seafood safety and includes sanitation inspection, system and process audits, grading and inspection, and product laboratory analyses.
19,000 tons of fishmeal exports
In 2016, NOAA Fisheries Seafood Inspection tested this amount of fishmeal exports worth $26 million.
>47,000 tons of fish oil exports worth nearly $84 million
In 2016, NOAA Fisheries National Seafood Inspection Lab inspected this amount of fish oil exports.
Seafood Import Monitoring Program
For imports of certain seafood products, there are reporting and record-keeping requirements needed to prevent illegally caught, unreported, unregulated, and/or misrepresented seafood from entering U.S. commerce. This provides additional protections for our national economy, global food security, and the sustainability of our shared ocean resources.
USDC Approved Establishments
Approved establishments are processing facilities or vessels that have voluntarily contracted with the NOAA Seafood Inspection Program to be sanitarily inspected, approved, and certified for producing safe, wholesome products in accordance with specific quality regulations established by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Refer to the list of approved establishments to determine which fishery products have been produced in fish establishments approved by the NOAA Seafood Inspection Program.
Certificate Validation
NOAA Seafood Inspection provides online validations of completed seafood inspection certificates. To use the system, you will need to know the certificate number, certificate number extension, certificate date, and species.
Geoduck Harvest Areas Cleared for Certification to China
The United States will implement sampling and testing to confirm the designation of harvest location for geoduck. Collection sites within a harvest locations will be determined based on relevant factors including, but not limited to, harvest activity and access to the site.
National Seafood Inspection Lab
The National Seafood Inspection Lab provides accredited ISO 17025 analytical laboratory testing of seafood samples for bacterial pathogens, chemical contaminants, and other health hazards.
Foreign Seafood Trade Data
We maintain a foreign trade database dating back to 1975 that allows users to summarize U.S. foreign trade (imports/exports) in fish products. You can summarize the weight and dollar value by year, product, country, and type of trade.
NOAA’s Seafood Inspection Program
Learn about NOAA’s Seafood Inspection Program and the services we provide to the seafood industry.

Seafood Inspection

Our Seafood Inspection Program maintains contractual agreements with seafood processors and foreign/domestic distributors to provide services supporting compliance with:
- Applicable food safety regulations
- Product quality evaluation
- Product grading and certification
- Facility and systems compliance
- Export health and catch certification
- Training and Consultative services
It's a fee-for-service basis, which assures compliance with all applicable food regulations, servicing establishments such as vessels, processing plants, and retail facilities. Under authority in the 1946 Agricultural Marketing Act, we provide inspection services for fish, shellfish, and fishery products to the industry, nationwide, in U.S. territories, and in foreign countries. The program is the Competent Authority within the U.S. government for issuance of health certificates for export of fish and fishery products to foreign countries.
Inspection and Analytical Fees
Effective November 1, 2022, the basic hourly fee for full-time, contracted, non-HACCP (food safety), inspection services provided by the USDC Seafood Inspection Program will be $238.00.
Inspection and Analytical Service Fees
Advertising Your Products
We can help program participants achieve their marketing goals while maintaining compliance with the applicable federal regulations and policies. It is the USDC policy to work cooperatively and constructively with program participants and users of inspected products.
Learn more about the policy for advertising services and marks
Domestic and International Services
We offer the same services to both U.S. and non-U.S. firms operating overseas or processing in foreign countries. The range of international services includes:
- Training on the principles of auditing, hazardous analysis and critical control point (food safety), or sensory analysis.
- On-site implementation and verification of HACCP-based process controls.
- Third-party verification activities for foreign processors.
- Certification agencies
- Online certification through the Seafood Inspection Services Portal
Export Certification
We offer export certification services to facilitate exports of seafood products that meet the unique requirements of each importing country and any other specific industry buyer criteria.
We represent the United States in negotiations with other countries regarding their import requirements for seafood products from the United States. These negotiations frequently include the development and modification of certificates to accompany U.S. seafood exports. We are the Competent Authority to issue and sign these certificates in the United States.
If foreign border inspection posts raise questions about a certificate issued by the NOAA Seafood Inspection Program, NOAA will attest to the legitimacy of the certificate and make an effort to answer any questions. NOAA may act as a go-between for communication between the exporting industry and importing authority to quickly address issues that arise when a product is detained from entry.
Detentions related to export certificates may arise from simple language translation, varying interpretations of regulations in the importing country, or issues not related to seafood safety.
NOTE: Export certificates must be requested and issued prior to shipment of product.
Export Certification to the European Union
We certify U.S. seafood products for export to the European Union.
Instructions and requirements are available for both export health certification and IUU catch documentation required for export to EU member countries.
Note: If products are first being exported to a non-EU country, but will subsequently be exported to the EU, they must be accompanied by an IUU catch document.
Learn more about export certification to the European Union
Export Certification to non-EU countries
The NOAA Seafood Inspection Program certifies U.S. seafood products for export to any country requiring health certification.
Get country-specific instructions and requirements for export to non-EU countries:
Certification for Exported Product Intended for Further Processing and Re-export to the EU
The Certificate of Inspection - Fishery Product Intended for Re-Export to EU is provided upon request for products that are exported from the U.S. with the intent of reprocessing and re-export to EU. The processor of the product must be listed as a current approved shipper to the E.U. While this certificate confirms the product meets the stated attestation, it is not a Health Certificate. This certificate may be requested in conjunction with a Health Certificate or as a standalone document for all destinations except EU and EFTA.
Product Registration
Product Registration is an advanced component of the SISP online system that allows eligible industry members who choose to use it to register/certify product prior to leaving the United States without providing specifics of consignee. Product eligible for this program is defined as U.S. wild caught product that originated from a USDC Approved Establishment produced under an approved Quality Management Plan.
Effective April 1, 2024, registered product will become ineligible for certification 180 days after registration. Any product registered prior to April 1, 2024, will become ineligible for certification on September 28, 2024.
To view the component and its features select one of the following:
Export Certification for Aquatic Animal By-Products
Requests for export certification of aquatic animal by-products not intended for human consumption are submitted via email in PDF format. The request form must be completed and submitted prior to shipment. Certificates are issued after verification that all U.S. requirements are met along with any specific requirements of the importing country. Email requests to:
Certification Validation
We maintain a database of verified completed seafood inspection certificates. To use the system, you will need to know the certificate number, certificate number extension, certificate date, and species.
Export Requirements
Fish and Fishery Products for Human Consumption and Fish Meal
The foreign country export requirements provided below are based on information from prior exports, official notifications, and available online websites from each country's competent authority. The information is meant as guidance only, and all exporters should confirm product documentation requirements with the importer and the competent foreign authorities before production for export to a foreign market. We assume no liability for the accuracy of this information.
Information provided in each country's webpage relates to certification requirements for fish and fishery products destined for human consumption. Certificates for these countries might include food safety/public health attestations, animal health attestations, or both. Email inquiries to
Fish Oil Dietary Supplements Label Approval Procedures
NOAA Seafood Inspection Program (SIP) is the competent authority for certification of fish oil. SIP offers export certification for dietary supplements characterized as fish oil, including those with other oil ingredients. To ensure consistency on this process, SIP offers export certification for products using the approval process outlined in the Memorandum and NOAA Handbook Part 4:
- Memorandum: Certifications for Fish Oil Dietary Supplements Update and Label Approval Procedures (PDF, 2 pages), and
- NOAA Handbook, Part 4 Policies, Procedures and Requirements for the Inspection of Fisheries Products on a Lot by Lot Basis
- Labels must be pre-approved prior to certification. To gain label approval please send an electronic copy of the label and the formulation of the product to
Foreign Approved Lists
Various foreign destinations for U.S. fishery product export have listing requirements. Exporters should carefully review their current listing status prior to arranging shipments. This section provides links to current approval lists for specific destination countries.
The listed trade partners have various listing requirements for export from the United States involving shippers and/or processors. These lists are maintained by either U.S. Department of Commerce or Food and Drug Administration in partnership with the foreign government.
Whenever there is a change of ownership or name of any listed company, all export approval lists must be updated with the new name and/or establishment number. It is the responsibility of the exporting company to make sure their information is updated on the relevant list(s) before requesting export certification. Occasionally, there may be an extended period of time between the change of name/ownership and the list update(s). To reduce the risk of exports being held or rejected at the border due to incorrect shipper listing details, the company must notify SIP prior to shipping, so that we can work together to find the best option given the specific circumstances. Failure to notify SIP ahead of shipping may have negative consequences for the shipper, ranging from excess demurrage costs or rejection of the consignment to the destruction of the product.
Trade Monitoring
NOAA Fisheries plays a critical role in streamlining seafood trade in and out of the United States. Working in conjunction with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, we provide support to seafood dealers to ensure imported seafood, such as Patagonian toothfish, bluefin tuna, swordfish, and bigeye tuna, is caught and imported legally.
- Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program Permits
- Seafood Import Monitoring Program
- Tuna Tracking and Verification Program and Dolphin-Safe
- Atlantic Highly Migratory Species International Trade Program
Foreign Seafood Trade Data
We maintain a foreign trade database dating back to 1975 that allows users to summarize U.S. foreign trade (imports/exports) in fish products. You can can summarize the weight and dollar value by year, product, country, and type of trade.
International Trade
Trade and Commerce
Sustainable fisheries are critical to our nation's economy, not only for domestic jobs and sales, but also for the seafood we import and export. We work with other federal agencies to monitor imports and facilitate sustainable seafood trade. We deter IUU fish and fish products and misrepresented seafood from entering U.S. commerce. These efforts help ensure trade that supports food security and sustainable fisheries, and complement policy efforts supporting engagement with multilateral entities and Free Trade Agreements.
Trade Monitoring
We work with other federal agencies to monitor imports and facilitate sustainable seafood trade.
Learn more about our trade monitoring programs:
- Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program
- Highly Migratory Species International Trade Program
- Seafood Import Monitoring Program
- Tuna Tracking and Verification Program
Seafood Import and Export Tool
Seafood traders can use our Seafood Import and Export Tool to identify the NOAA trade monitoring programs with which they must comply. The tool walks users through several questions about the species and products they wish to trade. It supplies them with the specific programs applicable to them and the requirements of those programs.
International Fisheries Trade Permit
All four trade monitoring programs require an International Fisheries Trade Permit to import, export, or re-export fish and fish products subject to NOAA Fisheries' trade monitoring programs. Only one permit is needed for all our trade programs.
- Access the national permit system
- View the user guide (PDF, 15 pages)
Import and Export Trade Data
NOAA Fisheries maintains a foreign trade database that allows users to query U.S. foreign trade in fishery products. Users can summarize the weight and dollar value by year, product, country, and type of trade.
Trade and Commerce Policy
The seafood sector plays an important role in the U.S. economy, generating approximately 1.5 million jobs and providing a nutritious source of protein to the American public. As the largest importer and fifth largest exporter of seafood, trade in this sector plays a vital role in the United States.
Trade Agreements
As a large seafood-consuming and fishing nation, it is critical that we take an active role in shaping the conservation and management regimes of international fisheries. We work to meet the demand of U.S. consumers that imported seafood be safe, legal, and sustainable and ensure confidence in U.S. seafood by protecting and strengthening the seafood market through global trade.
United States Trade Representative Trade Agreements
Market Access
We help U.S. seafood producers maintain access and competitiveness in foreign markets. Our export certificates help U.S. producers meet the unique requirements of each importing country.
More about export certification
International Organizations
We engage with international organizations to promote trade and sound management and help conserve global fisheries resources in a manner consistent with U.S. domestic fisheries policy.
NOAA Fisheries National Seafood Inspection Laboratory is an accredited ISO/IEC 17025:2017 laboratory providing analyses, data management, regulatory compliance risk analysis, and technology transfer expertise to meet fishery management and seafood safety responsibilities. The lab shares seafood and aquatic animal health information and data with other federal and state agencies, academia, industry, media, and seafood consumers.
Chemical Services
We perform a number of analytical tests for clients in the seafood industry on imported and domestic fishery products on a fee-for-service basis. These services include testing products for methyl mercury, heavy metals, bisulfites, histamines, and moisture, as well as testing for veterinary drug analyses.
Contact the National Seafood Inspection Laboratory's Chemical Analytical Services
Microbiological Services
We conduct microbiological analyses on fishery products to test for a number of contaminants, including salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, fecal coliforms, and vibrio bacteria, among others.
Contact the National Seafood Inspection Laboratory's Microbiological Services