Sitka Sound Local Area Management Plan (LAMP)
The Sitka Sound Local Area Management Plan was implemented in 1999 to reduce competition for halibut in Sitka Sound.
Fisheries Restrictions
The Sitka Sound Local Area Management Plan (LAMP) restricts commercial fishing boats and charter boats from halibut fishing in Sitka Sound to allow personal-use fishermen and unguided sport fishermen greater opportunity to catch halibut in the waters near Sitka. The Sitka Sound LAMP helps maintain a healthy halibut resource. The Sitka Sound Halibut Task Force created the LAMP through a consensus-based process. Regulations implementing the LAMP are at 50 CFR 300.65 and Figure 1 to 50 CFR 300, subpart E.
The following regulations apply to all commercial halibut fishermen and charter halibut permit holders in Area 2C in the waters off the coast of southeast Alaska.
If you are a commercial fisherman:
- and use a vessel greater than 35 feet, you must not fish for halibut with setline gear in Sitka Sound (with the southern-most boundary #2).
- and use a vessel less than or equal to 35 feet, you must not fish for halibut with setline gear in Sitka Sound during June, July, and August. During the rest of the halibut fishing season, you must not keep more than 2,000 pounds of halibut per fishing trip in Sitka Sound (with the southern boundary #1).
If you are a charter boat operator:
- You must not fish for halibut during June, July, and August, in Sitka Sound (with the southern boundary #1, above Biorka Island ).
- You must carefully release with minimal injury all halibut caught while fishing for other species in Sitka Sound during June, July, and August.
- You may keep halibut caught outside of Sitka Sound on the boat while fishing for other species in Sitka Sound.
Boundary Coordinates
Northern Boundary:
A line from Kruzof Island at 57 20'30" N lat., 135 45'10" W long. to Chichagof Island at 57 22'03" N lat., 135 43'00" W long., and a line from Chichagof Island at 57 22'35" N lat., 135 41'18" W long. to Baranof Island at 57 22'17" N lat., 135 40'57" W long.
Southern Boundaries:
- A line from the southernmost tip of Sitka Point at 56 59'23" N lat., 135 49'34" W long., to Hanus Point at 56 51'55" N lat., 135 30'30" W long., to the green day marker in Dorothy Narrows at 56 49'17" N lat., 135 22'45" W long. to Baranof Island at 56 49'17" N lat., 135 22'36" W long.
- A line from the southernmost tip of Cape Edgecumbe at 56 59'54" N lat., 135 51'27" W long. to Vasilief Rock at 56 48'56" N lat., 135 32'30" W long. to the green day marker in Dorothy Narrows at 56 49'17" N lat., 135 22'45" W long. to Baranof Island at 56 49'17" N lat., 135 22'36" W long.
Frequently Asked Questions
As a commercial fisherman trolling for salmon in Sitka Sound, can I keep the halibut I catch with troll gear if I have IFQ?
Yes. You can catch and keep halibut, within the IFQ program restrictions, while commercial fishing for salmon, as long as you are not using setline gear.
Does the Sitka Sound LAMP place any restrictions on personal use fishermen or non-guided sport fishermen?
No. The LAMP places no additional restrictions on personal use or non-guided sport fishermen beyond the Alaska Department of Fish & Game's (ADF&G) sport fishing regulations.
Who should I call if I notice someone violating the Sitka Sound LAMP regulations?
Please report violations to the Sitka office of NOAA Fisheries enforcement at (907) 747-6940, ADF&G enforcement at (907) 747-3254, or the U.S. Coast Guard Command Center in Juneau at (800) 478-5555 (available 24 hours).
This regulatory synopsis is provided as a public service. For the exact regulatory language, refer to Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations part 300, subpart E.