Alaska Fisheries Figures, Maps, Boundaries, Regulatory Areas, and Zones
Maps and charts for federal fisheries management in the waters off Alaska.

- Alaska's Federal Fisheries Regulatory Areas and Zones: (see Figures section) Statistical and Reporting Areas, Savings Areas, Habitat Conservation Zones, Areas and Districts, Marine Reserves, Conservation Areas, Management Areas
- Fishery Management Boundaries: Alaska Department of Fish and Game Groundfish Statistical Areas, National Marine Fisheries Service Reporting Areas, and International Pacific Halibut Commission Regulatory Areas (PDF)
- Fishery Management Boundaries between State and Federal Waters
- Sablefish Regulatory Areas Fishery Management Boundaries and IPHC Regulatory Areas
- Rural and Non-rural Area Maps and Sitka Sound Local Area Management Plan
- Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures
- Habitat Conservation Areas
- Subsistence Halibut Maps - subsistence, non-subsistence and non-rural areas
- State Statistical Areas, IPHC Areas and Federal Reporting Areas (Carry Map Application)
- State of Alaska - Management Districts and Statistical Areas for Shellfish and Groundfish Fisheries (PDFs)
- Catch In Areas
Endangered Species and Critical Habitat Maps
- Endangered Species Interactive Map: Threatened and endangered marine mammals and critical habitat under NMFS jurisdiction in Alaska
- Steller sea lion critical habitat: charts and rookery no-entry zones
- Western-Southcentral Alaska (PDF)
- Southeast Alaska (PDF)
NOTE: These web sites are for informational purposes only and should not be used as the source of information regarding fishing area closures. Please see the Federal Fishery Regulations for official information.