Atlantic bluefin tuna recreational fishermen with Angling category highly migratory species permits may not retain, possess, or land bluefin measuring 73 inches or greater for the rest of 2019.
The final area closure for trophy bluefin tuna went into effect in the northern area trophy fishery at 11:30 p.m. on June 27, 2019. NOAA Fisheries closed the Gulf of Mexico and southern area trophy fisheries earlier this year. Each closure was made based on the best available landings information showing that the subquota for each area had been reached.
Fishermen may still catch and release or tag and release bluefin tuna of all sizes, subject to the requirements of HMS catch-and-release and tag-and-release programs. All bluefin tuna that are released must be handled in a manner that will maximize survivability and without removing the fish from the water.