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Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish): Fishing Year 2020 Common Pool Trip Limits

April 21, 2020

This action implements measures for the Northeast multispecies fishery for the 2020 fishing year, including common pool fishery possession and trip limits and other measures enacted via Regional Administrator authority, as shown below.

We are setting common pool possession and trip limits to ensure that the common pool fishery is able to fully utilize its available quotas. Effective on May 1, these possession and trip limits were developed based on the common pool sub-Annual Catch Limits set by Framework Adjustment 58 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan. We also considered preliminary 2020 sector rosters, expected common pool participation, and common pool fishing activity in previous fishing years. During the fishing year, we will monitor common pool catches, and, will adjust common pool management measures as necessary.

Table 1. Fishing Year 2020 Common Pool Possession and Trip Limits


2020 Trip Limit

GB Cod (outside Eastern U.S./Canada Area)

250 lb per DAS,

up to 500 lb per trip

GB Cod (inside Eastern U.S./Canada Area)

GB Cod [Closed Area II Yellowtail Flounder/Haddock SAP (for targeting haddock)]

500 lb per trip


50 lb per DAS, up to 100 lb per trip

GB Haddock

100,000 lb per trip

GOM Haddock

1,000 lb per DAS, up to 2,000 lb per trip

GB Yellowtail Flounder

100 lb per trip

Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic (SNE/MA) Yellowtail Flounder

100 lb per DAS, up to 200 lb per trip

Cape Cod (CC)/GOM Yellowtail Flounder

1,000 lb per DAS, up to 2,000 lb per trip

American plaice

1,000 lb per DAS, up to 2,000 lb per trip

Witch Flounder

750 lb per trip

GB Winter Flounder

250 lb per trip

GOM Winter Flounder

1,000 lb per trip

SNE/MA Winter Flounder

2,000 lb per DAS, up to 4,000 lb per trip



White hake

1,500 lb per trip



Atlantic Halibut

1 fish per trip

Windowpane Flounder

Possession Prohibited

Ocean Pout

Atlantic Wolffish


Table 2.  Fishing Year 2020 Cod Trip Limits for Handgear A, Handgear B, and Small Vessel Category Permits


2020 Trip Limit

Handgear A GOM Cod

50 lb per trip

Handgear A GB Cod

250 lb per trip

Handgear B GOM Cod

25 lb per trip

Handgear B GB Cod

25 lb per trip

Small Vessel Category

300 lb of cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder combined; additionally, vessels are limited to the common pool DAS limit for all stocks.


Additionally, Northeast multispecies vessels may not target yellowtail flounder within the Closed Area II Yellowtail Flounder/Haddock Special Access Program (SAP) in fishing year 2020.  Northeast multispecies vessels are not allowed to fish in this SAP using flounder trawl nets, but may fish in this SAP in 2020 to target haddock with a haddock separator trawl, a Ruhle trawl, or hook gear. This SAP is open from August 1, 2020, through January 31, 2021.

Lastly, the Regular B Days-at-Sea (DAS) program is closed for fishing year 2020. During this closure, Northeast multispecies vessels may not declare or use Regular B DAS. 


Contact Spencer Talmage, Regional Office, (978) 281-9232

Last updated by Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office on April 21, 2020