Bonnie Easley-Appleyard
Bonnie conducts consultations under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) on federal projects such as oil and gas and pile driving activities. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. She went on to get a Masters in Organizational Leadership and Public Service. Prior to joining NOAA Fisheries in 2018, she worked at NOAA Fisheries as a contractor and at various consulting firms assisting with ESA Section 7 consultations, Incidental Take Authorization applications, and marine mammal monitoring programs. She also has worked for the Alaska Sea Life Center conducting a pilot study of Cook Inlet beluga whales in the Little Susitna river and spent time assisting U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service with sea otter research. Before moving to Anchorage in 2012, she worked in Florida and Hawaii with captive marine mammals. Bonnie grew up in Michigan but had a passion to learn about the marine ecosystem from a very young age. Her second passion is yoga; she is a yoga teacher in Anchorage.