Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Task Force to hold Virtual Public Session January 28
Public invited to learn about ongoing research and conservation.
The Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Recovery Implementation Task Force is holding a virtual public session Friday, January 28, 1-4 p.m. to provide an opportunity for the public to learn about ongoing research and conservation.
NOAA Fisheries and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game lead the multi-stakeholder task force focused on recovery of the endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale.
Members of the public who attend the virtual meeting will hear about the goals and structure of the task force and its recent accomplishments. Researchers will provide presentations on their ongoing work with stranded beluga whales, photo-identification of individual belugas, aerial surveys, and acoustic monitoring.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 0667 9997
Passcode: L9Gp6s
The Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Recovery Implementation Task Force engages the expertise of researchers, managers, communicators, and various other stakeholders to advise NOAA Fisheries and ADF&G on specific topics or issues relating to Cook Inlet beluga recovery.