2016 Funded Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program Projects
Descriptions of BREP projects funded in FY 2016.
Northeast |
Grantee |
Project |
Funding amount |
University of Maryland – Eastern Shore | Cold-water corals in the Mid-Atlantic Bight: diversity, age, condition, and fishing impacts | $139,925.00 |
University of New England | Determining the discard mortality rate of Barndoor Skates in existing nondirected gillnet fisheries: Implications for the development of new and sustainable skate seafood markets | $199,226.00 |
University of Rhode Island | The Skarimbas Flatfish Deflector: excluding flatfish from scallop dredges in the Northeast | $185,255.00 |
University of New Hampshire | An innovative approach to bycatch reduction in the mouth of a trawl gear | $161,280.00 |
Cornell University | Bycatch avoidance network approach expanded to include yellowtail flounder in the groundfish fishery | $70,000.00 |
Southeast |
Grantee |
Project |
Funding amount |
Texas A&M University | Refining rapid recompression techniques in Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper using a unique acoustic telemetry approach | $191,655.00 |
Mote Marine Laboratory | Bringing large sample sizes to the study of post-release mortality in highly migratory species | $119,768.00 |
West Coast |
Grantee |
Project |
Funding amount |
HT Harvey and Associates | Proposal to Describe Characteristics of Fixed Gear in the Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery | $126,953.00 |
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission | Artificial light: Its effect on the overall escapement of Chinook salmon out a bycatch reduction device | $146,473.00 |
University of California – Santa Cruz | El Nino Watch revisited - An improved index for reducing loggerhead turtle bycatch in the California current | $81,174.00 |
University of Maryland- Center for Environmental Science | El Nino Watch revisited - An improved index for reducing loggerhead turtle bycatch in the California current | $134,262.00 |
Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research | Assessing catch and release mortality and movements of bigeye thresher sharks caught using deep-set buoy gear | $90,425.00 |
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission | Addressing marine mammal entanglement in the West Coast commercial dungeness crab fishery | $155,684.00 |
Pacific Islands |
Grantee |
Project |
Funding amount |
Cascadia Research Collective | False killer whale movements in relation to longline fishing activity: assessment of interactions using satellite tag and fisheries data to develop best practices to reduce bycatch | $99,993.00 |
University of Hawaii | The effects of handling on post-release mortality of shark bycatch in longline fisheries: Identifying best practices and improving survival rates | $172,804.00 |
International |
Grantee |
Project |
Funding amount |
Gettysburg College | Can you hear me now? Development of acoustic deterrent devices to reduce sea turtle bycatch in fisheries | $125,177.00 |
SUBMON | Assessing the occurrence and severity of decompression sickness in marine turtles incidentally captured by trawl fisheries | $107,386.00 |
University of North Carolina- Wilmington | Assessment of fisheries interactions and post-interaction mortality for East Pacific leatherback turtles at foraging grounds off the coasts of Central and South America | $110,119.00 |