Weekly Highlights - July 5, 2019
Read about this week's enforcement efforts from around the country.
- An Enforcement Officer was involved in coordinating the landing of an incidentally caught great white shark at a Massachusetts based dealer. The shark was transferred to NOAA for research.
Pacific Islands
Two Enforcement Officers and a Special Agent conducted a targeted inspection of four containers at the Port of Honolulu, Hawaii. With the assistance of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers, the containers were inspected in accordance with the Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP). All chain of custody paperwork was in order for all the containers and no violations were found.
Special Agents conducted liaison with a USFWS Special Agent and JEA partners in Guam and CNMI. A joint sea patrol was conducted on the JEA vessel off Tinian Island as well as discussions regarding ongoing operations in the areas on Tinian targeting turtle poaching activity.