Biological Opinion on Authorization of the Alaska Groundfish Fisheries Under the Proposed Revised Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures
April 02, 2014
Biological opinion on a modification to the federal groundfish fisheries and State of Alaska parallel groundfish fisheries for Atka mackerel, Pacific cod, and pollock.
This ESA section 7 consultation considers the action proposed by the NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region Sustainable Fisheries Division to modify the federal groundfish fisheries and State of Alaska parallel groundfish fisheries for Atka mackerel, Pacific cod, and pollock. These modifications would be primarily in the Aleutian Islands subarea. This consultation also considers proposed research to better understand the potential effects of these fisheries on Steller sea lions and on the efficacy of conserving prey in areas closed to fishing.
Action Agency: NOAA Fisheries
NMFS Consultation Number: AKR-2013-9294