Biological Opinion United States Army Corps of Engineers Alaska Railroad Company Seward Dock Repair, Seward, Alaska
Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7(a)(2) Biological Opinion for United States Army Corps of Engineers Alaska Railroad Company Seward Dock Repair, Seward, Alaska
NMFS Consultation Number: AKRO-2023-03224
This opinion considers the effects of the following in-water activities: cleaning and repair of 38 existing 20-inch wooden piles; installation of protective wrap and grout fill surrounding each pile; and support and material supply vessel transit. The proposed project would conduct repairs on the ARRC passenger dock to extend its life and ensure it remains in service while restoring vehicle access to the dock. Construction and repairs are expected to start in the spring or summer of 2024.
This opinion considers the effects of project activities on the proposed threatened sunflower sea star. The concurrence section considers the effects of project activities on the endangered Western DPS Steller sea lion. There is no designated critical habitat located within the action area. The nearest designated critical habitat for Steller sea lions is Cape Resurrection B and C haulouts, located approximately 27 kilometers (km) southwest of the project area. NMFS is not currently proposing designating critical habitat for the sunflower sea star.
This opinion is based on information provided in the request for consultation and supporting materials received from the USACE. Other sources of information relied upon include additional information provided by the USACE and applicant, and conference calls. A complete record of this consultation is on file at NMFS’s Juneau, Alaska, office.