Environmental Assessment for the Issuance of an Exempted Fishing Permit to Test an Electronic Monitoring System to Estimate Halibut Bycatch in the Central Gulf of Alaska Rockfish Fishery
Analysis of the potential impacts of issuing an exempted fishing permit to allow for the testing of an electronic monitoring system on trawl vessels fishing in the Central Gulf of Alaska rockfish fishery.
The electronic monitoring (EM) system is designed to collect data at-sea that will allow a shoreside reviewer to enumerate the number of halibut discarded at sea and to estimate their lengths. If effective, the EM system may allow improved estimation of halibut bycatch and reduce the need for at-sea observer coverage. The purpose of the exempted fishing permit is to exempt the applicant from Central Gulf of Alaska (GOA) rockfish fishery closures to allow the project to be conducted without disruption and without impacting other GOA trawl fisheries. The analysis found no significant impacts on the human environment for this action.