Measuring Coral Vital Rates Using TagLab Semi-Automatic Coral Annotation and Temporal Linking Across Fixed Sites: Standard Operating Procedures and Time Savings Estimates
February 28, 2023
Incorporating coral vital rates into robust models used to assess the impacts of environmental drivers on reef dynamics can help inform which management actions are most likely to improve reef resilience.
This standard operating procedure (SOP) provides a time savings comparison between manual annotation using the previous Vital Rates workflow (Rodriguez et al. 2021) and our TagLab-assisted Vital Rates workflow. We posit that, although TagLab remains an ongoing project of the Visual Computing lab and requires additional testing, it reduces personnel hours by 40%, making it a worthwhile approach to quantifying coral vital rates.
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center technical memoranda are issued to promptly disseminate scientific and technical information to marine resource managers, scientists, and the general public. Their contents cover a range of topics, including biological and economic research, stock assessment, trends in fisheries, and other subjects. Administrative reports typically have not been reviewed outside the Center; therefore, they are considered informal publications. The material presented in administrative reports may later be published in the formal scientific literature after more rigorous verification, editing, and peer review.
Amir C, Oliver T, Lamirand M, Couch C. 2023. Measuring coral vital rates using TagLab semi-automatic coral segmentation and temporal linking across fixed sites: standard operating procedures and time savings estimates. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-139, 32 p.