Regulatory Impact Review and Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Six Proposed Amendments to Subsistence Halibut Fishery Regulations
Analysis to addresses six proposed actions to amend subsistence halibut regulations recommended by the State of Alaska, Federal agencies, or Alaska Native Tribes for consideration by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.
These actions, if approved by the Secretary, would:
- reduce the subsistence gear limits in Kodiak and add seasonal gear and vessel limits in the Sitka Sound Local Area Management Plan (LAMP) area
- add the village of Naukati to the list of eligible subsistence halibut communities
- implement a possession limit equal to two daily harvest and vessel limits to enhance enforcement
- revise the definition of charter vessel
- revise regulations allowing customary trade
- allow the use of special permits within non-subsistence use areas by eligible tribe
None of the proposed actions is intended to change the amount of halibut harvested for subsistence purposes. An Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis has been prepared for Actions 1 and 6, which are subject to the Regulatory Flexibility Act. A Final RFA will be prepared by NOAA Fisheries staff.