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It’s a Matter of Perspective: Culture and Ocean Policy

July 05, 2019

Continued efforts towards mutual understanding the U.S. and Japan's differences in fishing practices and fisheries management help us better understand each other’s culture and ocean policies, to help maintain sustainable fisheries into the future.

While the U.S. and Japan are alike in making prodigious efforts for sustainable fisheries, they differ in their actual fishing practices and in the approaches and tools they use for fisheries management.

They also share a commitment to making the best decisions possible to protect their resources and peoples, though differences in cultural and ocean policy perspectives persist.

Continued efforts towards mutual understanding of each other’s culture and ocean policies, along with exchange programs to foster this, are needed to maintain sustainable fisheries into the future.

Hakala S. 2019. It's a Matter of Perspective: Culture and Ocean Policy. The Ocean Policy Research Institute. (454). https://www.spf.org/en/opri/newsletter/454_1.html

Last updated by Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center on 12/03/2021