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Endangered Species Act Results

159 results match your filter criteria.

Section 7: Biological Opinions in the Pacific Islands Region

A list of the active Section 7 Biological Opinions in the Pacific Islands region.

Species and Habitat App

Web mapping app that displays and queries spatial data in the West Coast Region for Endangered Species Act ranges, critical habitat designations, and Magnuson-Stevens Act essential fish habitat. Users can generate a printable spatial query report.
April 28, 2024 - Map ,

Recovering Threatened and Endangered Species Report to Congress 2021–2022

This report summarizes efforts to recover all domestic species under NOAA Fisheries’ jurisdiction. It highlights progress made towards recovery of endangered species identified in the Species in the Spotlight initiative.
December 21, 2023 - Feature Story ,

Pacific Islands ESA@50 Ocean Art Contest

K–12 students in the Pacific Islands region can celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act by entering our ESA@50 Ocean Art Contest. Winning artwork will be featured in digital and in-person exhibitions.


2023 Rice's Whale Scientific Symposium

| 8:30am - 5:00pm

NOAA Fisheries and our partners invite the public to the scientific symposium Whales on the Brink: Stories from the Rice’s Whale Discovery and Right Whale Tales and to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act.


Continuing a Conservation Science Legacy: 40 Years of Monitoring Hawaiian Monk Seals

For more than 40 years, our monitoring and recovery work in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument has been critical to guiding the protection of Hawaiian monk seals.
September 06, 2023 - Feature Story ,
A rainbow appears over the shoreline with a row of green wall tents, two boats moored offshore, and dozens of albatross chicks sitting on the beach. The Hawaiian monk seal Assessment and Recovery Camp at the remote atoll of Manawai. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jessica Bohlander (Permit # 848-1695)

Celebrating the People and Partnerships Saving Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon

Marking the 50th year of the passage of the Endangered Species Act, we are shining a spotlight on the biologists and partnerships saving Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon from extinction.
May 25, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Three people smiling for the camera, standing on a rocky riverbed Brian Ellrott (left), NOAA Fisheries’ Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Recovery Coordinator, and colleagues, Cathy Marcinkevage and Howard Brown conducting habitat investigations on local rivers in California.

Celebrating the People and Partnerships Saving Southern Resident Killer Whales

Marking the 50th year of the passage of the Endangered Species Act, we are shining a spotlight on the biologists and partnerships saving Southern Resident Killer Whales from extinction.
May 24, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Killer whale moving rapidly through the water A Southern Resident Killer whale is seen through a zoom lens cruising through water. Killer whales are among the fastest swimming marine mammals, swimming up to 35 mph. Credit: NOAA/Northwest Fisheries Science Center