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Monitoring Results

10 results match your filter criteria.

Ecosystem Monitoring of the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf: Survey Details

Every year, we sample the water column over the Northeast U.S. continental shelf throughout the year and make that data accessible to everyone

Industry-Funded Monitoring in the Northeast

The New England Fishery Management Council can design fishery-specific industry-funded monitoring.

Potential Groundfish Sector Monitoring Providers: Update to Approval Process

Sector at-sea monitoring and electronic monitoring provider applications due January 9, 2023
December 09, 2022 -

Invasive Green Crab Monitoring: Partnerships Propel Species Management

Metlakatla Indian Community Department of Fish and Wildlife deploys updated methods to monitor invasive species.
March 02, 2022 - Feature Story ,
A female European green crab with its egg mass.

NOAA Fisheries Announces 2022 At-Sea Monitoring Coverage Levels for Groundfish Sector Fishery

NOAA Fisheries announces that the total target at-sea monitoring coverage level for Fishing Year 2022 is 99 percent of all groundfish sector trips subject to the at-sea monitoring program.
December 14, 2021 -

Acoustic Differentiation and Classification of Wild Belugas and Narwhals Using Echolocation Clicks

This study marks the first acoustic comparison between wild belugas and narwhals from the same location and provides strong support for the use of echolocation in PAM efforts to differentiate belugas and narwhals acoustically.
November 12, 2021 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Developing a Strategy For Monitoring Alaska Fisheries in 2022 and Beyond

NOAA Fisheries collaborates with industry partners to plan cost-effective collection of data essential for sustainable fisheries management.
October 14, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Photo of observer fish sampling station on a fishing vessel deck Observer sampling area on a pot-fishing vessel. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

Catch Weighing and Monitoring in Alaska

Catch share programs require a more intensive suite of monitoring tools for management and include at-sea scales to weigh catch and catch monitoring plans developed by processors to describe how fish will be sort and weighed.

Monitoring and Evaluation for Restoration Projects

Monitoring and evaluation are essential to determine whether restoration projects are implemented correctly and performing as expected so that we achieve the intended benefits. Monitoring and assessing restoration projects also helps to ensure that…