Research fish biologist Brigid McKenna and other North Atlantic Right Whale team members discovered 45 right whales likely feeding in and around Hudson Canyon during a recent multi-day aerial survey of the area.
Aerial surveys are flown December through March each year in the Southeast United States to detect North Atlantic right whales in their primary calving area.
Each fall, the Right Whale Festival celebrates North Atlantic right whales and their annual return to the waters off Florida and Georgia, which is the only known right whale calving area.
NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region's biological opinion on the proposed actions and their effects on endangered and threatened species and designated critical habitat for those species in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas, Alaska.
Biological opinion on the effects of an exploration drilling program on endangered and threatened species and critical habitat in the Chukchi Sea, Alaska. NMFS Consultation Number: AKR-2015-9449.