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Socioeconomic Monitoring Results

3 results match your filter criteria.

Charting Vessel Owner Costs for Commercial Fishing in the Northeast

New tool helps people see and better understand trends and patterns in commercial fishing business costs in Northeast fisheries.
December 29, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Moored fishing vessels in a calm harbor.

The Best Laid Plans: Bigeye Quotas, Collective Action, and a Diverse Longline Fleet

Managing bigeye tuna in the Pacific is easy, right? Just estimate how many fish are out there swimming around at high speeds, calculate a sustainable amount to harvest, set a catch limit, and enforce it. Then the industry goes fishing, delivers to market,
May 22, 2018 - Research ,
A fleet of loneline vessels in a harbor.

Bigeye Tuna Catch Limits Lead to Differential Impacts for Hawaiʻi Longliners

An examination of the effects of quota reductions on the Hawai'i longline fleet.
May 14, 2018 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,