Critical Habitat for the Gulf of Maine DPS of Atlantic Salmon
We, NOAA Fisheries, issue a final rule designating critical habitat for the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment (GOM DPS). We previously determined that naturally spawned and several hatchery populations of Atlantic salmon which constitute the GOM DPS warrant listing as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA). We are required to designate critical habitat for the GOM DPS as a result of this listing. We hereby designate as critical habitat 45 specific areas occupied by Atlantic salmon at the time of listing that comprise approximately 19,571 km of perennial river, stream, and estuary habitat and 799 square km of lake habitat within the range of the GOM DPS and in which are found those physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the species. The entire occupied range of the GOM DPS in which critical habitat is designated is within the State of Maine. We exclude approximately 1,256 km of river, stream, and estuary habitat and 100 square km of lake habitat from critical habitat pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the ESA. We also exclude all trust and fee holdings of the Penobscot Indian Nation.