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Long-term Limits on Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Subsistence Harvest


Long-term Limits on Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Subsistence Harvest
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Action Status
Final Rule
Affected Species


NOAA Fisheries issues final regulations establishing long-term limits on the maximum number of Cook Inlet beluga whales that may be taken by Alaska Natives for subsistence and handicraft purposes. These regulations were developed after:

  • proceedings and public comment connected to an on-the-record rule-making and hearings before Administrative Law Judge Parlen L. McKenna
  • consultations with the parties to the hearings, including Alaska Native Organizations
  • comments received from the public on the Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Subsistence Harvest Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)

Last updated by Alaska Regional Office on 06/14/2022

Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Subsistence Harvest