Focusing On the Base of the Food Web
April 29, 2024
EcoFOCI is a joint research program between NOAA Fisheries’ Alaska Fisheries Science Center and the NOAA Research’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory.
In this video, we tour the EcoFOCI lab where we will explore the marine food web, from bottom to top. NOAA scientists will look at tiny fish larvae and zooplankton with a microscope. They will show the contents of juvenile fish stomachs and how those help us understand the food web and the ecosystem. And they will show new technology that they use in the ocean to study zooplankton.
Fisheries and oceanographic data collected through EcoFOCI are central to understanding and predicting the survival of fish during their first year of life, and into adulthood when they are commercially fished.
Data from the first year of life are used in fisheries management for the stock assessments, to provide an early warning signal, and to provide a context for stock fluctuations and subsequent fisheries measures.
Filtering Poop to Understand Food Habits
March 14, 2024
This broadcast features a tour of the marine mammal lab with Katie Luxa, a biologist at Alaska Fisheries Science Center. Watch as we will sift through poop samples to see what seals and sea lions eat.
Whales on the Brink Promo at the Smithsonian
November 16, 2023
This is a live event at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History where we spoke with NOAA Fisheries scientists Jessica Crance and Jenna Malek. After this interview, these scientists gave presentations about endangered Eastern North Pacific Right Whales during the Smithsonian's Whales on the Brink event.