Alaska Fisheries Science Center Publications
Collected Alaska Fisheries Science Center publications resources.
Publications Database
Alaska Fisheries Science Center Publications Database
The Alaska Fisheries Science Center Publications Database contains over 7,000 citations for publications authored by Center scientists. Both Simple and Advanced Searches query all citation entries in the database for search terms (e.g, author's last name, common and scientific names, or key words in title). Search results provide complete citation details and links to those publications available on-line.
New Publications List
Alaska Fisheries Science Center New Publications List
A dynamic list of new publications by Alaska Fisheries Science Center authors.
Posters Database
Alaska Fisheries Science Center Posters Database
The Alaska Fisheries Science Center Posters Database contains nearly 900 records of posters and presentations that were created, authored and presented by Center scientists and staff. These records provide links to .pdf files (or .htm pages) for viewing or downloading. Database queries for title, author name, AFSC Division, and conference details can be conducted using either the simple or advanced search options.
Processed Reports
Alaska Fisheries Science Center Processed Reports
The Alaska Fisheries Science Center's AFSC Processed Report series (1991 to present) continues the NWFC and NWAFC Processed Report series originally established in 1971. This series is not formally reviewed and individual reports do not constitute publications; some of the reports may be contract reports or administrative reports.
Quarterly Reports (1990-2015)
Alaska Fisheries Science Center Quarterly Report Archive
Issues of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center Quarterly Report which provided information on the Center's research activities and results on a quarterly basis from 1990 to 2015.
Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Cruise Reports (1975-2016)
Reports of the annual trawl surveys conducted between 1975 and 2016 in the eastern Bering Sea. Annual surveys conducted to determine the distribution and abundance of crab and groundfish resources. Look up condensed tables, charts and full reports.
Stock Assessments
A variety of data are input into computer models to estimate population size and trends for fish, crabs and marine mammals generating a stock assessment report. Research surveys provide biological, ecological and environmental data. Independent fishery observers collect information on commercial fisheries catches. We also compile socio-economic data on fishing communities.
Tech Memos
Alaska Fisheries Science Center Technical Memorandums
The NOAA Technical Memorandum series continues the series established in 1970.
Yearly Publications Lists
Alaska Fisheries Science Center Yearly Publications
These annual publication lists (1990-2016) include both peer-reviewed publications, such as journal articles and books, and Center-produced technical reports. Use the menu in the sidebar to select the desired yearly list page.
Marine Mammal Laboratory Staff Publications by Year
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Marine Mammal Laboratory, Staff Publications by Year
Citable lists of all Marine Mammal Laboratory publications by year from 2000-2018.
Alaska Fur Seal Bibliography Database
Alaska Fur Seal Bibliography Database
This online bibliography is based on a 2006 publication which lists northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) literature available up to that time. Additional northern fur seal citations, literature, and related archival information are available in the Marine Mammal Library's Northern Fur Seal Archive and the AFSC Publications Database.
Applicability of Sonars for Habitat Mapping Bibliography Database Search
The primary focus of this bibliography is benthic habitat characterization using backscatter and bathymetric data from multibeam echo sounders, single-beam echo sounders, and side scan sonars. The coverage ranges from methods for acquiring and processing data, data extraction and synthesis from imagery, production and use of habitat maps for fishery management and other purposes, modeling species distributions using processed data, and some relevant theoretical treatments.
Mobile Fishing Gear Effects Bibliography Database
Alaska Fisheries Science Center Mobile Fishing Gear Effects Bibliography Database
The Mobile Fishing Gear Effects literature citation collection is a comprehensive listing of scientific and popular literature on demersal, mobile fishing gear and the potential effects of its use. The primary focus is on trawling, dredging and raking, and the resulting direct disturbance to marine habitats and the associated biological communities.
Search the NOAA Institutional Repository (IR)
Alaska Fisheries Science Center Publications in the NOAA Institutional Repository (IR)
NOAA's Institutional Repository (IR) is a digital space curated by the NOAA Libraries to collect and disseminate materials published by NOAA authors. Many of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center publications in the collections listed above ultimately reside in the NOAA IR.