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Reminders about Reporting Requirements for Vessels with Commercial and Federal For-Hire Permits

October 26, 2023

FB23-078: Southeast Fishery Bulletin; For more information, contact: Sustainable Fisheries Division, (727) 824-5305

Key Message:

  • NOAA Fisheries is sending this reminder to ensure federal permit holders and operators of commercial and for-hire permits in the Southeast region are aware of reporting requirements, including some examples for when a vessel holds multiple permits across fisheries.  This pertains to vessels with:
    • Gulf of Mexico Commercial and For-Hire Federal Permits for Reef Fish and Coastal Migratory Pelagics  
    • South Atlantic Commercial and For-Hire Federal Permits For Snapper-Grouper, Coastal Migratory Pelagics, and Atlantic Dolphin/Wahoo
  • Failure to report as required by a permit may result in delays in permit renewals.
  • If you hold permits or licenses for other federal or state fisheries, then you must continue to follow the reporting requirements for those permits.


Gulf Commercial Reef Fish Permit:

  • Commercial vessels with a federal Reef Fish Permit must have a type-approved satellite VMS unit installed and operating on the vessel.  Type-approved VMS units can be found on the NOAA Fisheries Type-Approved VMS Units website
  • When a vessel holds a federal commercial Reef Fish Permit, a declaration is required each time the vessel leaves for any type of fishing trip (e.g., commercial, for-hire, or private angling).  In the declaration, the operator must select the type of fishing trip, fishery, and gear.  Declarations can be submitted through the VMS unit or by calling the VMS phone line at 1-888-219-9228.  Declarations are required to be submitted prior to the departure for each trip.  Declarations cannot be changed at sea to another fishery or gear.
  • When a vessel with a federal Reef Fish Permit harvests non-IFQ reef fish, the operator of the vessel must submit an advanced notice of landing (also called pre-landing) via their VMS unit or the Call Service line at 1-866-425-7627 (select option 1).  If a vessel is harvesting IFQ species, in addition to the VMS unit and Call Service, the operator may submit the notification through the IFQ website.
  • The federal commercial Reef Fish Permit holder must complete trip-level coastal logbook forms for each commercial trip taken.  Logbooks must be postmarked within 7 days of a trip. If no commercial fishing takes place during a calendar month, a no fishing report must be postmarked no later than 7 days after the end of the month. 


Federal Commercial Coastal Migratory Pelagics Permit:

  • Federal commercial Coastal Migratory Pelagics Permit holders are required to submit coastal logbooks for each commercial trip taken. Logbooks must be postmarked within 7 days of a trip. If no commercial fishing takes place during a calendar month, a no fishing report must be postmarked no later than 7 days after the end of the month.


Gulf Federal For-Hire Fishing Permits (Reef Fish and Coastal Migratory Pelagics):

  • Vessels selected to be in the Southeast Region Headboat Survey (SRHS) are required to submit electronic trip-level reports on a weekly basis by the following Sunday after the reporting week (reporting week is Monday-Sunday), unless otherwise notified by NOAA Fisheries.  If no fishing activity occurred during a reporting week, a No Fishing report must be submitted for that reporting week by the Sunday following the reporting week.  A VMS, hail-out, or landing at a pre-approved landing location are not required.
  • Vessels issued a Gulf for-hire reef fish permit must report, if selected, to the NOAA Fisheries Marine Recreational Fishing Vessel Directory Telephone Survey and/or applicable state/regional data collection surveys.


Atlantic Commercial Dolphin/Wahoo Permit:

  • Atlantic federal commercial Dolphin/Wahoo Permit holders are required to submit coastal logbooks for each commercial trip taken.  Logbooks must be postmarked within 7 days of a trip.  If no commercial fishing takes place during a calendar month, a no fishing report must be postmarked no later than 7 days after the end of the month.


South Atlantic Federal Commercial Snapper-Grouper Permits:

  • South Atlantic federal commercial Snapper-Grouper Permit holders are required to submit coastal logbooks for each commercial trip taken. Logbooks must be postmarked within 7 days of a trip.  If no commercial fishing takes place during a calendar month, a no fishing report must be postmarked no later than 7 days after the end of the month. 
  • Snapper-grouper Permit holders who also hold a federal wreckfish permit must abide by all Wreckfish Individual Transferable Quota program requirements.


South Atlantic/Atlantic Federal For-Hire Fishing Permits (Snapper-Grouper, Dolphin/Wahoo, and Coastal Migratory Pelagics):

  • South Atlantic/Atlantic federal For-Hire Permit holders are required to abide by the Southeast For-hire Integrated Electronic Reporting program or Southeast Regional Headboat Survey regulations which include weekly electronic trip-level reporting for any for-hire trip through an approved vendor (reporting week is Monday-Sunday),  due by the Tuesday following the reporting week.  If no fishing activity occurred during a reporting week, a No Fishing electronic report must be submitted by the Tuesday following that reporting week.


Information for Vessels Holding Multiple Federal Permits:

  • Permit requirements are additive
    • For each federal permit held on that vessel, the operator of the vessel must abide by all permit requirements regardless of the type of fishing trip or location.
  • No Fishing reports
    • When no fishing occurs during the reporting time period, a report is still required. These reports are commonly referred to as “No Fishing reports.” “No Fishing Reports” are processed by sector and may differ in reporting frequency.  Therefore a separate “No Fishing report” may be required for each sector.  For example, a for-hire “No Fishing report” cannot be applied to a commercial sector’s No Fishing report requirement.
  • Example: Vessels holding South Atlantic/Atlantic and Gulf For-hire permits
    • Vessels that hold both Gulf and South Atlantic/Atlantic federal For-Hire Permits must follow the South Atlantic/Atlantic reporting requirements.  Vessels that hold South Atlantic/Atlantic For-Hire Permits must report all for-hire trips taken regardless of where fishing occurred.  Therefore, a vessel that holds these permits and that is solely fishing in the Gulf must still report those trips under their South Atlantic/Atlantic For-Hire Permit requirements.
  • Example: Vessels holding a Gulf of Mexico Commercial Reef Fish and Gulf For-Hire permits
    • A vessel that holds a Gulf federal commercial Reef Fish Permit must have a VMS unit installed and operational prior to fishing, and must submit a declaration for any fishing trip.  A vessel under a power-down exemption may not move on water or go on any fishing trips while under the power-down exemption.
    • Commercial fishing trip with non-IFQ reef fish harvested: VMS unit is installed and operational, declaration, pre-landing notification, land at approved landing location, and submit coastal logbook.
    • Commercial fishing trip with IFQ reef fish harvested: VMS unit is installed and operational, declaration, sufficient allocation in the vessel or shareholder account for species on-board, pre-landing notification, land at approved landing location, IFQ landing transaction on day of offload or within 96 hours of notification of landing (whichever is sooner), and submit coastal logbook.
    • For-hire trips: VMS unit installed and operational and submission of declaration due to commercial permit requirements.  If selected by SRHS, follow SRHS reporting requirements for logbook submissions.  If not selected by SRHS, there are no further reporting requirements for for-hire trips.
  • Example: Vessels holding a Gulf Commercial Reef Fish, Gulf of Mexico For-Hire, and South Atlantic/Atlantic For-Hire Federal Permits
    • Because the vessel holds a Gulf federal commercial Reef Fish Permit, it must have a VMS unit installed and operational prior to fishing and submit a declaration for any fishing trip.  A vessel under a power-down exemption may not move on water or go on any fishing trip while under the power-down exemption.
    • Commercial fishing trip with non-IFQ reef fish harvested: VMS unit is installed and operational, declaration, pre-landing notification, land at approved landing location, and submit coastal logbook.
    • Commercial fishing trip with IFQ reef fish harvested: VMS unit is installed and operational, declaration, sufficient allocation in the vessel or shareholder account for species on-board, pre-landing notification, land at approved landing location, IFQ landing transaction on day of offload or within 96 hours of notification of landing (whichever is sooner), and submit coastal logbook.
    • For-hire trip in the Gulf or South Atlantic/Atlantic: VMS unit installed and operational and submission of declaration due to commercial permit requirements. Follow South Atlantic/Atlantic SEFHIER requirements for submission of logbooks or No Fishing reports weekly.  A vessel with South Atlantic/Atlantic federal For-Hire Permits must submit reports no matter where the fishing takes place.  If selected by SRHS, follow SRHS reporting requirements for logbook submissions.  If not selected by SRHS, there are no further reporting requirements for for-hire trips.


NOAA's Text Message Alert Program allows you to receive important fishery-related alerts via text message (SMS).  Standard message & data rates may apply.  You may opt out at any time.


Text alerts you may receive include:

  • Immediate fishery openings and closures
  • Any significant changes to fishing regulations that happen quickly


Sign up for one or more of the following groups:

  • Gulf of Mexico Recreational Fisheries Related Alerts
    • Text GULFRECFISH to 888777
  • Gulf of Mexico Commercial Fisheries Related Alerts
    • Text GULFCOMMFISH to 888777
  • South Atlantic Recreational Fisheries Related Alerts
    • Text SATLRECFISH to 888777
  • South Atlantic Commercial Fisheries Related Alerts
    • Text SATLCOMMFISH to 888777
  • Caribbean Fisheries Related Alerts
    • Text CARIBFISH to 888777


Permits Mailbox:

The Permits Office in St. Petersburg, Florida now has a Permits mailbox in the front lobby (263 13th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701).  You can now drop off original permits for permit transfers.  Envelopes with information labels will be provided so that your documents can be attached to the correct application.  The mailbox will be checked daily.  For more information contact the Permits Office at 877-376-4877. 

Media Contact: Allison Garrett, 727-551-5750 

Recreational Fishing Coordinator: Sean Meehan, 727-385-5202

Last updated by Southeast Regional Office on October 26, 2023