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Portrait of scientist wearing a hat, glasses and black turtleneck with water in the background.

Alix Laferriere, PhD

Deputy Director, Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division
Shellfish Assessment Program, Kodiak Lab
Shellfish ecology, aquaculture
Email: alix.laferriere@noaa.gov

Alix Laferriere, PhD

Deputy Director, Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division

Prior to being appointed as the deputy director of RACE in 2024, Alix served as a research ecologist at the Kodiak Laboratory in the Shellfish Assessment Program. Alix joined in 2021 after working at The Nature Conservancy in New Hampshire on oyster restoration in the Great Bay Estuary and sustainable fisheries in the Gulf of Maine. Alix worked on species and habitat protection in the realm of marine reserves from Oregon to New Zealand. Alix enjoys working with stakeholders on commercial fisheries species, habitat protection and aquaculture.