Andrew Maurer, Ph.D.
Andrew Maurer is a National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate with the Marine Turtle Ecology & Assessment Program at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (La Jolla, California). His research at SWFSC integrates tools and statistical approaches to address questions of sea turtle movement, habitat use, and population ecology in California and the Eastern Pacific. Areas of expertise range from biotelemetry to demographic modeling, stable isotope applications, embryonic thermal ecology, and global change biology. Prior to joining the SWFSC team, Andrew pursued his PhD at North Carolina State University, where he was a Fulbright Fellow (2018) and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (2018–2021). He received his degree in 2021 after completing a doctoral research program focused on sea turtle nesting and migratory ecology in the Caribbean, a region in which he continues to maintain close collaborations. Andrew devotes significant time to collaborative research with undergraduate and graduate students–including theses, independent projects, and scientific publications–and encourages students to contact him regarding possible opportunities for collaboration (especially if funding is available from a student's academic institution).