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Portrait of scientist with black hair and white shirt with sunny field in background

Angela Abolhassani

Social Scientist
Climate, Ecosystem, & Fisheries Initiative (CEFI)
Email: angela.abolhassani@noaa.gov

Angela Abolhassani

Social Scientist

Angela is an interdisciplinary political scientist who focuses on the nexus of law, policy, and equity issues for fisheries management under changing climate and marine environments. She joined the Alaska Fisheries Science Center in 2024 as a social scientist to contribute to the Climate, Ecosystem, & Fisheries Initiative (CEFI). Her work seeks to develop transdisciplinary collaborations that incorporate human dimensions into decision support information and modelling for climate ready fisheries management. Her current research activities explore the multi-dimensional effects of climate change and its impacts on the well-being of coastal communities in Alaska. Her wide-ranging research interests include transdisciplinary modelling work and the science-policy interface; equity issues in fisheries management and redistributive allocation practices; infrastructural development under the blue economy, including changes to the processing sector; and elevating community voices and participation in fisheries management processes. 

Before coming to NOAA, Angela studied transboundary tuna fisheries in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. She received her PhD from the University of Tasmania in Australia in International Law and Fisheries Management. She has worked for several international organizations including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Angela earned Bachelors of Arts degrees in Global Studies and English Literature from Arizona State University.