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Angela Silva

Angela Silva

Social Scientist
Population & Ecosystems Monitoring & Analysis Division
Marine Development and Ecology Branch
Office: (401) 782-3240
Email: angela.silva@noaa.gov

Angela Silva

Social Scientist


Angela attended the University of Rhode Island, receiving a Bachelor’s degree in 2011 and a Master’s degree in Marine Affairs in 2016. Her graduate work focused on commercial fishermen’s job satisfaction, perceived resilience and ability to adapt to fisheries management changes in New England. She joined the NEFSC Social Sciences Branch in 2010, providing contract support on various human dimension projects. She worked on NOAA Fisheries' national effort to develop quantitative indicators of fishing community vulnerability and resilience. She helped develop and implement the NEFSC Social Science Branch 2018 socio-economic survey of commercial fishing crew in the Northeast. After Hurricanes Harvey and Sandy, she assisted in rapid assessments on impacts to the commercial and recreational fishing industries.

Recent Research

Angela is a social scientist working with the Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Marine Development and Ecology Branch. She studies the interactions and effects of marine development on the commercial and recreational fishing industry and the communities that depend on our nation’s seafood industry. Currently, Angela is working on developing fisheries impact monitoring guidelines to better understand the social, cultural and economic impacts from marine development on the fishing industry. Angela works out of the Narragansett Laboratory in Rhode Island.