Anna N. Kagley
Anna Kagley started with the NWFSC at Montlake as a high school student volunteer in 1987. She continued to work part-time while attending the University of Washington, and became a permanent employee after receiving a B.S. in fisheries in 1993. After college, she worked for several years on project examining biomarkers in the blue mussel. In 1995, she changed career paths and locations, and transferred to Newport, OR to work with Dr. Mary Arkoosh on salmon immune response projects. In 2003, she returned to Seattle and joined the Fish Ecology Division. She is currently involved in field projects studying salmonid and forage fish ecology (habitat use, restoration/remediation/monitoring). She also continues to dabble in fish telemetry.
Current Research
Anna's research involves laboratory and field projects involving juvenile salmon and forage fish (herring, smelt, sandlance). Most of her time is devoted to field sampling and related tasks. When not in the field, she is in the laboratory working on various projects helping to understand salmon/forage fish habitat use through monitoring and telemetry. Some laboratory techniques include surgical tagging and necropsy of salmonids. Anna's responsibilities often include animal husbandry tasks such as feeding and caring for salmonids, disease prevention and identification. Her field experience includes various fishing techniques, boat handling skills, and fish and invertebrate collection and identification. Part of these efforts required obtaining necessary state and federal permits. All of Anna's work involves data examination, publication, and presentation using various computer programs.