Brian J. Langseth, Ph.D.
Brian Langseth joined the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in 2020. He is originally from Washington State and is excited to return after many years away. After completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Washington, Brian moved to Michigan where he completed graduate research on the implications of changes in lake whitefish harvest on food-web dynamics within Lake Huron. He then continued his eastward trek by taking a National Research Council post-doc with the stock assessment group at the Southeast Fisheries Science Center's Beaufort Laboratory. His work there led to better understanding the effect of hypoxia on gulf menhaden harvest, distribution, and assessment. Brian then moved far west to the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center in Hawaii, where he conducted stock assessments for pelagic and bottomfish species in the north central Pacific Ocean. He looks forward to continuing conducting stock assessments now that he has come full circle back to the Pacific Northwest.
Current Research
Brian's research focus is on improving stock assessment models and methodology to specifically address real-world management questions. His research topics include approaches to including environmental processes and spatial dynamics directly into assessments or into better understanding the processes affecting fish populations, as well as advancing statistical methods for data analysis. Brian also conducts stock assessments informing management of groundfish species along the U.S. West Coast.