Dave McElroy, Ph.D.
Dave earned his bachelor’s degree from Connecticut College with a major in zoology and minor in botany. He received his Ph.D from University of Rhode Island where his research focused on shark feeding ecology conducted in collaboration with researchers from the NEFSC Apex Predators Program. While in graduate school in addition to his dissertation research, he participated in a variety of surveys, including fixed gear and industry based surveys, as well as contributing to several tagging studies. In 2009, Dave joined the NEFSC in Woods Hole as a contractor working jointly for the Population Biology Branch and Cooperative Research Branch. He has helped to collect data and lead analysis for studies on fish reproduction and condition in several groundfish species utilizing samples from the Study Fleet program and other cooperative research programs. Several of these studies of reproductive dynamics are ongoing. He has also participated in some cooperative research gear studies. He was a co-PI on a broad scale spiny dogfish tagging study conducted from industry vessels trying to better understand stock structure and regional movement. Currently he also helps manage the CRB industry based Gulf of Maine Longline survey, including the fieldwork, data management, and conducting analysis.