Doug Kinzey, Ph.D.
Research Interests:
• Ecological modeling
• Fisheries
• Antarctic ecosystems
• Statistical parameter estimation and inference
I use statistical and simulation modeling approaches to estimate sustainable fisheries yields and evaluate ecological effects of harvests and other human activities on marine ecosystems. Statistical modeling estimates unobserved quantities responsible for the processes underlying the observations. Simulation modeling constructs virtual worlds for which the underlying features of interest are known and then simulates potential sampling designs or other activities to assess their effectiveness or impact. An ultimate goal of this work is to understand human activities as an integral part of the global ecosystem rather than considering such activities as separate from the rest of nature.
• B.S., Oregon State University (Zoology).
• M.S., University of Massachusetts (Marine Fisheries Biology). Thesis title: The Distribution of Abundance Among Species of Fish and its Implications for Habitat Quality in a New England Estuary.
• Ph.D., University of Washington (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences). Thesis title: Multispecies Stock Assessment with Predator-Prey Interactions.
Selected Publications:
• Kinzey D., A.M. Cossio, G.M. Watters, and C.S. Reiss. In prep. Sampling acoustic survey data for Antarctic krill with simulated underwater buoyancy gliders.
• Kinzey D., G.M. Watters, and C.S. Reiss. 2019. Estimating recruitment variability and productivity in Antarctic krill. Fisheries Research 217:98-107.
• Kinzey D., G.M. Watters, and C.S. Reiss. 2018. Parameter estimation using randomized phases in an integrated assessment model for Antarctic krill. PLOS ONE 13(8): e0202545.
• Kinzey, D., G.M. Watters, C.S. Reiss, 2015. Selectivity and two biomass measures in an age-based assessment of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). Fisheries Research 168:72–84.
• Kinzey, D., G. Watters and C.S. Reiss. 2013. Effects of recruitment variability and natural mortality on Generalised Yield Model projections and the CCAMLR Decision Rules for Antarctic krill. CCAMLR Science 20:81-96.
• Kinzey, D. and A.E. Punt. 2009. Multispecies and single-species models of fish population dynamics: comparing parameter estimates. Natural Resource Modeling 22(1):67-104
• Kinzey, D., and T. Gerrodette. 2003. Distance measurements using binoculars from ships at sea: accuracy, precision and effects of refraction. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 5(2):159-171.
• Kinzey, D., and T. Gerrodette. 2001. Conversion factors for binocular reticles. Marine Mammal Science 17:353-361.