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Evan Howell, Ph.D.

Office: (301) 427-8123
Email: evan.howell@noaa.gov

Evan Howell, Ph.D.


Evan Howell is the Director of NOAA Fisheries’ Office of Science and Technology. Most recently, he served as the deputy director for the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, where he led research to better understand critical habitat and possible climate effects on highly migratory and protected species in the central North Pacific ecosystem. Dr. Howell has authored or co-authored more than 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers and participated in eleven NOAA or scientific partner research missions. During his 23 years with NOAA Fisheries, he has spent 15 years as an ecosystem scientist and 3 years leading IT and data management development to support scientific research before his 5 years as deputy director. Mr. Howell received his B.S. in Biology and Chemistry from Antioch University in Ohio, his M.S. in Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry from the University of Miami, and his Ph.D. in Marine Bioresource and Environmental Science from Hokkaido University.



Bailey, H., Hazen, E., Mate, B., Bograd, S., Irvine, L., Palacios, D., Forney, K.A., Howell, E.A., Hoover, A, DeWitt, L., Wingfield, J., and DeAngelis, M. (2018). Lessons Learned from WhaleWatch. In A. Leidner & G. Buchanan (Eds.), Satellite Remote Sensing for Conservation Action: Case Studies from Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems (pp. 229-273). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Howell, E.A., Bograd, S.J., Hoover, A.L., Seki, M.P., and Polovina, J.J. (2017). Variation in phytoplankton composition between two North Pacific frontal zones along 158W during winter-spring 2008-2011. Progress in Oceanography, 150:3-12.

Polovina, J.J., Howell, E.A., Kobayashi, D.R., and Seki, M.P. (2017). The Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front updated: Advances from a decade of research. Progress in Oceanography 150:79-85.

Hazen, E.L., Palacios, D.M., Forney, K.A., Howell, E.A., Becker, E., Hoover, A.L., Irvine, L., DeAngelis, M., Bograd, S.J., Mate, Bruce R., and Bailey, Helen (2017). WhaleWatch: a dynamic management tool for predicting blue whale density in the California Current. Journal of Applied Ecology 54(5):1415- 1428.


Seki, Michael P., Howell, E.A., Oram, R, and Vandersande, M. (2016). PIFSC PARR Implementation Plan. Pacific Islands Fish. Sci. Cent., Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., NOAA, Honolulu, HI 96818-5007. Pacific Islands Fish. Sci. Cent. Admin. Rep. H-16-05, 28 p. doi:10.7289/V5/AR-PIFSC-H-16-05


Woodworth-Jefcoats, P.A., Polovina, J.J., Howell, E.A., and Blanchard, J.L. (2015). Two takes on the ecosystem impacts of climate change and fishing: Comparing a size-based and a species-based ecosystem model in the central North Pacific. Progress in Oceanography, 138:533-545.

Howell, E.A., Hoover, A., Benson, S.R., Bailey, H., Polovina, J.J., Seminoff, J.A., and Dutton, P.H. (2015). Enhancing the TurtleWatch product for leatherback sea turtles, a dynamic habitat model for ecosystem-based management. Fisheries Oceanography, 24:57-68.

Woodworth-Jefcoats, P.A., Polovina, J.J., Howell, E.A., and Blanchard, J. (2015). Two takes on the ecosystem impacts of climate change and fishing: comparing a size-based and a species-based ecosystem model in the central North Pacific. Progress in Oceanography, Online Edition First.


Bograd, S.J., Hazen, E.L., Howell, E.A., and A.B. Hollowed. (2014). The fate of fisheries oceanography: Introduction to the special issue. Oceanography 27(4):21-25


Levin P.S., Kelble C.R., Shuford R.L., Ainsworth C., deReynier Y., Dunsmore R., Fogarty M.J., Holsman K., Howell, E.A., Monaco M.E., Oakes S.A., and Werner F. (2013). Guidance for implementation of integrated ecosystem assessments: a US perspective. ICES Journal of Marine Science:7pp.

Howell E.A., Wabnitz, C.C.C, Dunne, J.P., and J.J. Polovina. (2013). Climate-induced primary productivity change and fishing impacts on the Central North Pacific ecosystem and Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishery. Climatic Change 119(1):79-93


Baker, Jason D., E.A. Howell, and J.J. Polovina. (2012). Relative influence of climate variability and direct anthropogenic impact on a sub-tropical Pacific top predator, the Hawaiian monk seal. Marine Ecology Progress Series 469: 175-189.

Howell E.A., S. Bograd, C. Morishige, M.P. Seki, and J.J. Polovina. (2012). On North Pacific circulation and associated marine debris concentration. Marine Pollution Bulletin 65(1-3):16-22.


Parrish, F.A., E.A. Howell, G.A. Antonelis, S.J. Iverson, C.L. Littnan, J.D. Parrish, and J.J. Polovina. (2011). Estimating the carrying capacity of French Frigate Shoals for the endangered Hawaiian monk seal using Ecopath with Ecosim, Marine Mammal Science 28(3) 522-541.

Polovina J.J., J.P. Dunne, P.A. Woodworth, E.A. Howell. (2011). Projected expansion of the sub- tropical biome and contraction of the temperate and equatorial upwelling biomes in the North Pacific under global warming. ICES Journal of Marine Science 68(6):986-995.

T. Hirata, N.J. Hardman-Mountford, N.J.W. Brewin, J. Aiken, R. Barlow, K. Suzuki, T. Isada, E.A. Howell, T. Hashioka, M. Noguchi-Aita, Y. Yamanaka. (2011). Synoptic relationships between surface Chlorophyll-a and diagnostic pigments specific to phytoplankton functional types. Biogeosciences 8(1):1-16.


Howell E.A., P.H. Dutton, J.J. Polovina, H. Bailey, D.M. Parker, and G.H. Balazs. (2010). Oceanographic influence on the dive behavior of juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the North Pacific Ocean. Mar. Bio. 57(5):1011-1026.

Howell E.A., D.R. Hawn and J.J. Polovina. (2010). Spatiotemporal variability in bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) dive behavior in the central North Pacific Ocean. Prog. In Oceanogr. 86:81-93.


Polovina, J.J., M. Abecassis, E.A. Howell, and P. Woodworth. (2009). Increases in the relative abundance of mid-trophic level fishes concurrent with declines in apex predators in the subtropical North Pacific, 1996-2006. Fish. Bull. 107:523-531


Howell E.A., D.R. Kobayashi, D.M. Parker, G.H. Balazs, and J.J. Polovina. (2008). TurtleWatch: A data tool to aid in the bycatch reduction of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishery. Endangered Species Res. 5:267-278

McClatchie, S., H. Dewar, S. Kohin, S. Bograd and E.A. Howell. (2008). North Pacific Highly Migratory Species. In: Climate Impacts on U.S. Living Marine Resources: National Marine Fisheries Service Concerns, Activities, and Needs. Editor: K. Osgood. NOAA Tech. Memo NMFS-F/SPO-89. 118 pp.

Polovina, J.J., F. Chai, E.A. Howell, D.R. Kobayashi, L. Shi, and Y. Chao. (2008). Ecosystem dynamics at a productive gradient: a study of the lower trophic dynamics around the northern atolls   in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Prog. Oceanogr. 77: 217-224

Polovina J.J., E.A. Howell, and M Abecassis. (2008). The ocean’s least productive waters are expanding. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L03618


Baker J.D., J.J. Polovina, and E.A. Howell. (2007). Effect of variable oceanic productivity on the survival of an upper trophic predator, the Hawaiian monk seal Monachus schauinslandi Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 346: 277-283


Howell E.A. and D.R. Kobayashi. (2006). El Niño effects in the Palmyra Atoll region: Oceanographic changes and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) catch rate variability. Fish. Ocean. 15(6): 477-489

Polovina, J.J., I. Uchida, G. Balazs, E.A. Howell, D. Parker, and P. Dutton. (2006). The Kuroshio Bifurcation Region: A pelagic hotspot for juvenile loggerhead sea turtles. Deep Sea Res. II 53:326-339.

Walsh, W.A., E.A. Howell, K.A. Bigelow, and M.L. McCracken. (2006). Analyses of observed longline catches of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), using generalized additive models with operational and environmental predictors. Bulletin of Mar. Sci. 79(3): 607-622


Polovina J.J. and E.A. Howell. (2005). Ecosystem indicators derived from satellite remotely sensed oceanographic data for the North Pacific. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 62(3): 319-327


S.J. Bograd, D.G. Foley, F.B. Schwing, C. Wilson R.M. Laurs, J.J. Polovina, E.A. Howell and R.E. Brainard. (2004). On the seasonal and interannual migrations of the transition zone chlorophyll front. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L17204

Polovina J.J., G.H. Balazs, E.A. Howell, D.M. Parker, M.P. Seki, and P.H. Dutton. (2004). Forage and migration habitat of loggerhead (Caretta caretta)) and olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) sea turtles in the central North Pacific Ocean. Fish. Oceanogr. 13(1): 36-51


Polovina, J.J., E.A. Howell, D.M. Parker and G.H. Balazs. (2003). Dive-depth Distribution of loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) turtles in the central North Pacific: Might deep longline sets catch fewer turtles? Fisheries Bulletin. 101:189-193.


Polovina, J.J., E.A. Howell, D.R. Kobayashi, and M.P. Seki. (2001). The Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front, a dynamic global feature defining migration and forage habitat for marine resources. Prog. Oceanogr. 49:469-483.


Polovina, J.J., M.P. Seki, and E.A. Howell. (2000). Sensors detect biological change in mid-latitude North Pacific. EOS 81(44):519.


Howell, E.A., R.A. Fine, S.C. Doney, and D.B. Olson. (1997). Geochemical estimates of denitrification in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal during WOCE. Geo. Res. Lett. 24:2549-2552


Howell, E.A. (1996). Denitrification and oxygen utilization rates in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal during WOCE. Masters Thesis. University of Miami. 84 pp.