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Portrait of man with glasses smiling with grey polo against a white wall background

Jason E. Jannot

Supervisory Research Fish Biologist
Fisheries Monitoring and Analysis
Analytical Services
Leadership, Strategic Thinking, Knowledge Transfer, Mentoring
Email: jason.jannot@noaa.gov

Jason E. Jannot

Supervisory Research Fish Biologist

Jason manages the Alaska Fisheries Science Center Fisheries Monitoring and Analysis Analytical Services Program, a team of fishery data analysts. He is accountable for managing the processes and people responsible for modeling, analysis, and reporting of fishery data, mainly data collected at-sea by fisheries observers and electronic monitoring systems. 

The Fisheries Monitoring and Analysis Analytical Services team seeks to develop insights from large fishery data sets which help guide strategic opportunities for fishery managers. Jason works closely with leaders, scientists and managers at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Alaska Regional Office, North Pacific Fisheries Managment Council, and other agencies to support and implement high-quality, data-driven natural resource management decisions. The Fisheries Monitoring and Analysis Analytical Services team ensures data accuracy and consistent reporting by leveraging modern processes for automating data analysis and reproducible research. They use advanced data modeling, predictive modeling and analytical techniques to interpret key findings from fishery data which support fishery management outcomes.