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Woman smiling holding up a fish

Liz Dawson

Fisheries Biologist
Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering
bottom trawl surveys, fish migration
Email: liz.dawson@noaa.gov

Liz Dawson

Fisheries Biologist

Liz began working at NOAA Fisheries’ Alaska Fisheries Science Center in 2017 after receiving a Master’s degree in Natural Resources - Fisheries from Humboldt State University (now Cal Poly Humboldt). She previously worked as a NOAA contractor on Section 7 consultations for the West Coast Region, a Port Sampler for the International Pacific Halibut Commission and a Fisheries Observer for NOAA in Alaska and off the coast of Washington/Oregon. In her current position, Liz works for the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering (RACE) Division, Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) Bering Sea group and helps oversee, collect, edit, finalize and analyze data resulting from the Bering Sea bottom trawl surveys. Liz also helps produce the reports describing survey findings. Liz’s research interests include Pacific cod Pop-up Satellite Archival Tag (PSAT) tagging and movement and Pacific halibut genomics.