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Peter Kiffney, Ph.D.

Peter Kiffney, Ph.D.

Research Fish Biologist
Watershed Program
Office: (360) 393-1406
Email: peter.kiffney@noaa.gov

Peter Kiffney, Ph.D.

Research Fish Biologist


Peter has been with the Watershed Program since June 1998. Peter holds a B.S. in Geology (University of North Carolina), an M.S. in Aquatic Ecology (University of California-Davis), and a Ph.D. in Fishery Biology and Ecology (Colorado State University). His Ph.D. research focused on the effects of heavy metals on alpine stream ecosystems. He held a National Institute of Environmental Health Post-Doctoral fellowship at Colorado State studying the effects of UV-B radiation on stream communities and a Post-Doctoral fellowship in the Department of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Canada where he studied the effects of riparian logging on headwater stream ecosystems. He holds an affiliate faculty position in the College of Forest Resources at the University of Washington.

Current Research

Peter's research interests are in community and ecosystem ecology, effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on stream ecosystems, ecotoxicology, food web ecology, and climate change. He conducts research at multiple scales (experimental channels to whole-ecosystem manipulation) to identify causal links between environmental change (e.g., nutrient enrichment) and community and ecosystem attributes. His current research is focused on 1) the role of tributary streams on main stem rivers; 2) riparian management of streams and rivers and 3) restoration of stream habitat via removal of barriers and nutrient enrichment.