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Alaska Habitat Visual Data Library - NMFS Alaska Region

Alaska Habitat Visual Data Library


Visual data enhances NMFS Mission effectiveness by making information more relevant for the needs of our users, and interpreting complex fisheries management concepts in a discernible format. NMFS Alaska Habitat spatial data assets serve as quick access to, and visualization of, information needed to identify fish species and habitat attributes along the Alaska coastline. It supports understanding and communicating adverse impacts to Essential Fish Habitat (EFH), improves EFH conservation and other fishery management decisions, and aids in responding to immediate adverse impacts to habitat such as oil spill response. These resources provide biologists and managers, Federal and state agencies, NMFS stock assessment scientists, and the public improved data accessibility and streamlined collaboration. ...more info

Habitat Mapping Tools

Habitat mapping tools are visual resources for viewing and downloading spatial information about Alaska’s marine and freshwater habitats. These tools are often interactive, and commonly used by managers, researchers, and the public to relate the spatial whereabouts of habitats to their particular interests.

Featured Spatial Data Products

Spatial Data Products

The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) is responsible for preserving, monitoring, assessing, and providing public access to the Nation's treasure of geophysical data and information. NCEI provides stewardship for Alaska Region’s essential fish habitat spatial datasets. NCEI offers scientists and citizens around the world access to these databases.

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