Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Scoping Meeting: Machias, Maine
The Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office is holding scoping meeting to solicit public comments on ways to reduce the risk of entanglement in trap and pot fisheries for right, humpback, and finback whales.
This is one of eight scoping meetings this month in anticipation of preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.
During these meetings we will seek information about operational challenges, time, and costs required to modify gear by changing configurations such as traps per trawl to reduce endline numbers, installing new line or sleeves and by expanding gear marking requirements.
Contact Colleen Coogan, Take Reduction Team Coordinator, (978) 281-9181 or read the Federal Register Notice for more details.
Comments are due on September 16, 2019.
Electronic Submission: Submit all electronic public comments by sending an email to using the subject line “Comments on Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Scoping.”
Mail: Submit written comments to Michael Pentony, Regional Administrator, National Marine Fisheries Service, 55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930-2276. Mark the outside of the envelope: “Comments on Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Scoping.”