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Take Reduction Results

90 results match your filter criteria.

Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Team Meeting - June 2024

| 4 p.m.-6 p.m.

The Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Team will meet to review harbor porpoise abundance, bycatch and trends.


Frequent Questions: Hawaiian Islands Southern Exclusion Zone (SEZ)

A conservation measure designed to reduce bycatch of false killer whales.

Public Hearing for the Proposed Modifications to the Massachusetts Restricted Area (MRA) to Make Final the MRA Wedge Trap/Pot Buoy Line Closure--Buzzards Bay, MA

| 5-7 pm

NOAA Fisheries will hold hearings related to our proposed modifications to the Massachusetts Restricted Area (MRA) to make final the MRA Wedge trap/pot buoy line closure from February 1 through April 30 annually. This is one of two public hearings.


Public Hearing for the Proposed Modifications to the Massachusetts Restricted Area (MRA) to Make Final the MRA Wedge Trap/Pot Buoy Line Closure--Gloucester, MA

| 5-7 pm

NOAA Fisheries will hold hearings related to our proposed modifications to the Massachusetts Restricted Area (MRA) to make final the MRA Wedge trap/pot buoy line closure from February 1 through April 30 annually. This is one of two public hearings.


Final Rule to Close the Wedge Area within the Massachusetts Restricted Area

NOAA Fisheries has amended the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan (Plan) to expand the boundaries of the seasonal Massachusetts Restricted Area (MRA) to include the wedge between state and Federal waters known as the Massachusetts Restricted Area…

Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Team Webinar on Electronic Monitoring and Meeting

| 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET

Presentations on the changes to the groundfish observer program due to electronic monitoring, and how it affects marine mammal bycatch estimates.


Approved Weak Rope for Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan

Learn which manufactured weak ropes are approved for use under the 2021 Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan modifications

Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Team Meeting

| 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

2023 annual meeting of the Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Team


Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction September 2022 Team Meeting

The Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team will hold a virtual meeting on September 19, 22, and 30 to discuss coastwide amendments to the Take Reduction Plan.


Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on Phase 2 Modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan

NOAA Fisheries intends to begin a rulemaking process to amend the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan (Plan) to reduce the risk of mortalities and serious injuries of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) and other large whales caused…