Monday, April 4, 2016
8:30 AM - Welcome, Business Rules, and Introductions — Michael Seki
8:45 AM - Instructions to Panel and Terms of Reference — Michael Seki
9:15 AM - NOAA Fisheries Program Reviews — Richard Merrick
9:30 AM - A National Perspective on Ecosystem-related Efforts — Jason Link
9:45 AM - Break
10:00 AM - Introduction to PIFSC and Ecosystem Sciences Division — Michael Seki
10:30 AM - Pacific Islands Regional Office Management Needs — Michael Tosatto
11:00 AM - Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council Management Needs — Paul Dalzell
11:30 AM - Public Q&A
12:00 PM - Lunch
Theme I: Data and Climate Science
1:00 PM - NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy — Jeffrey Polovina
1:45 PM - Projecting Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change — Thomas Oliver
2:15 PM - Break
2:30 PM - Data Management and Dissemination — Troy Kanemura
3:00 PM - OceanWatch — Melanie Abecassis
3:30 PM - Public Q&A
4:00 PM - Panel Review and Discussion (closed session)
5:00 PM - Adjourn