9:00 Welcome and Introductions – All
9:15 Review Agenda – Robert Anderson, National Marine Fisheries Service
9:20 Marine Mammal Protection Act Section 120 Program Evaluation – Robert Anderson, NMFS
- Overview of the MMPA section 120(f) removal program in the Columbia River basin
- MMPA Section 120(f) - program summary
- MMPA Section 120(c)(5) - program evaluation
Purpose of convening the Task Force - Questions from the Task Force
9:40 Pinniped removal program in the MMPA Section 120(f) Action Area – Eligible Entities
- Pinniped removal operations and removals in the action area – Eligible Entities
- Sea lion-salmonid interactions in the action area – Eligible Entities
- Comprehensive Report – Eligible Entities
- Recommendations 1-9 – Eligible Entities
- Agent-Based Model - Benefits Analysis – Eligible Entities
- Questions from the Task Force
10:55 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, pinniped monitoring and evaluation program at Bonneville Dam – Kyle Tidwell, Corps
- Questions from the Task Force
11:15 BREAK
11:25 Task Force discussion – recommended actions to improve the effectiveness of the pinniped removal program. 12:00 Task Force discussion – the Eligible Entity's request to renew the August 14, 2020, permit for a duration of 5 years.
- Task Force recommendation on the Eligible Entity’s request to renew the August 14, 2020, MMPA Section 120(f) permit.
12:45 Public Input – This is an opportunity for members of the public to identify information, not covered regarding the pinniped-fishery interaction that may be of value to Task Force members. It is not a time for discussion with the Task Force.
- Facilitator will announce opening of public input and solicit input.
- Depending upon the number of participants, the Facilitator may limit your time to permit as many members of the public an opportunity to provide input to the Task Force.
12:55 Closing Comments – Robert Anderson, NMFS
1:00 Adjourn