Public Meeting for the 2019 Shark Research Fishery
NOAA Fisheries is holding a mandatory conference call for selected participants to discuss the 2019 Shark Research Fishery permit terms and conditions.
This call is mandatory for selected participants. Selected participants who do not attend will not be allowed to participate in the Shark Research Fishery.
Other interested parties may call in and listen to the discussion. Selected participants are encouraged to invite their captain, crew, or anyone else who may assist them in meeting the terms and conditions of the Shark Research Fishery permit.
Shark Research Fishery permits are issued annually and authorize participation in the Shark Research Fishery. The purpose of this fishery is data collection, and it is subject to 100 percent observer coverage. The Shark Research Fishery includes the collection of sandbar, non-sandbar large coastal sharks, small coastal shark, and pelagic sharks from federal waters in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea.
On November 1, 2018 (83 FR 54917), NOAA Fisheries published a notice inviting qualified commercial shark permit holders to submit an application to participate in the 2019 Shark Research Fishery. NOAA Fisheries received 11 applications, of which all 11 met the qualifications. NOAA Fisheries randomly selected five qualified participants after considering how to meet research objectives in particular regions.
As with past years, the 2019 permit terms and conditions for selected participants in the Shark Research Fishery are designated depending on the scientific and research needs of the agency as well as the number of NOAA Fisheries-approved observers available.
Contact Information
For additional information, contact Delisse Ortiz at (240) 681-9037