Today, the Department of Commerce announces the appointment of new and returning members to the Pacific and North Pacific regional fishery management councils. Earlier this summer the Secretary of Commerce announced the appointment of 22 members to the other six regional fishery management councils.
Council members represent diverse groups, including commercial and recreational fishing industries, environmental organizations, and academia, along with state and federal agencies. They are vital to fulfilling the Magnuson-Stevens Act’s requirements to end overfishing, rebuild fish stocks, and manage them sustainably.
Each year, the Secretary of Commerce appoints approximately one-third of the total 72 appointed members to the eight regional councils. The Secretary selects members from nominations submitted by the governors of fishing states, territories, and tribal governments.
The Secretary appoints council members to both state-specific and regional seats—also known as obligatory and at-large seats. They serve a three-year term and may be reappointed to three consecutive terms.
* Asterisk following a member’s name indicates a reappointment.
New England Council
The New England Council includes members from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.
Obligatory seat:
William Lucey (Connecticut)
Geoffrey Smith (Maine)*
Michael Pierdinock (Massachusetts)*
Theodore Platz (Rhode Island)
At-large seats:
Kristin “Togue” Brawn (Maine)*
Mid-Atlantic Council
The Mid-Atlantic Council includes members from the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Obligatory seat:
Greg Hueth (New Jersey)
Skip Feller (Virginia)*
At-large seats:
Anna Beckwith (North Carolina)
James Gilmore (New York)
South Atlantic Council
The South Atlantic Council includes members from Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Obligatory seat:
James Hull (Florida)
Judy Helmey (Georgia)*
At-large seats:
Charles Phillips (Georgia)
Thomas Roller (North Carolina)*
Caribbean Council
The Caribbean Council includes members from Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
Obligatory seat:
Carlos Farchette (US Virgin Islands)*
At-large seats:
Vanessa Ramirez (Puerto Rico)*
Gulf Council
The Gulf Council includes members from Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
Obligatory seat:
Troy Frady (Alabama)
Juan "John" Sanchez (Florida)
Jonathan Dugas (Louisiana)*
At-large seat:
Billy Broussard (Louisiana)*
Jason Osborne (Mississippi)
Pacific Council
The Pacific Council includes members from California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The Pacific Council also includes one Tribal seat.
Obligatory seat:
Corey Ridings (California)*
Christa Svensson (Oregon)*
David Sones (Tribal)
At-large seat:
Rebecca Lent (California)
Aja Szumylo (Washington)
North Pacific Council
The North Pacific Council includes members from Alaska and Washington.
Obligatory seats:
John Moller (Alaska)
Brian Ritchie (Alaska)
Anne Vanderhoeven (Washington)*
Out-of-cycle seat:
Jamie Goen (WA)
Western Pacific Council
The Western Pacific Council includes members from American Samoa, Guam, Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Obligatory seat:
Matthew Ramsey (Hawaii)*
Francisco Perez (Guam)